I cannot stand Terrence Malick films. No I haven’t seen a lot of them. I haven’t even seen The Thin Red Line. But I have seen The Tree of Life and To The Wonder. The former I couldn’t get behind at all, despite some lovely visuals, and the latter was just a complete train wreck …
Tag Archive: Christian Bale
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Dec 28
The Big Short
Did you see Margin Call? No? Well, it had a pretty big cast of actors! I mean, Stanley Tucci was in it, so you should see it. That is why I wanted to watch all the Hunger Games movies, but he only had one damn scene in the last one, and it wasn’t even good. …
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Dec 24
Exodus: Gods and Kings
I think we are finally done with them. The ones I talked about a lot earlier in the year. You know, The Jesus Movies. We had Noah. We had God’s Not Dead. We had Heaven Is For Real. We had the Son Of God. And now we finally have Exodus: Gods And Kings. Obviously, this …
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Dec 27
American Hustle
A lot of hype went into American Hustle and rightfully so. After all, it is the third movie from David O. Russell in four years, with the last two (The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook) being wildly successful and nominated for numerous awards. Not only that, but he took the two best people from each of his previous two …
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Dec 11
Out Of The Furnace
Out of the Furnace has the honor of being the only movie coming out this week, in a month that is typically packed to the brim with movies to take advantage of those holiday sales. It also has the honor of making me think of the Meatloaf song, “Out of the Frying Pan,” so much that whenever I …
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Jul 20
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises has the pleasure and curse of being one of the top three anticipated movies of the year (along with The Avengers and The Hobbit). As it is a straight up sequel, not a collaboration of movies like the Avengers, it almost has more pressure because it will be compared success and …
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Apr 17
The Dark Knight
Hooray! Review 450! That in no way is a real significant number, just that it is divisible by 50. Normally this is where I do a big long review of a bad movie, spoil the shit out of it, and make you laugh. Twilight series and High School Musical stuff so far. But the next …
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Apr 07
Public Enemies

Before I review this, it might be important to remember that I am not a “real critic”. The ratings are all based on how much I liked the movie, so everythin I give is opinions. Always good to give that reminder, before I clumsily explain why I didn’t like Public Enemies. Short answer? I found …
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Feb 19
The Fighter
I have apparently not reviewed a single movie that includes any of the four main actors/actresses from The Fighter. That is odd, given the list, and that I know I have seen many other movies from each one of them. I think we can all agree that the fault lies with the reader, for not …
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