Tag Archive: Johnny Depp

Dec 15

Into The Woods

Yay yay musicals! If you are a long time reader, you know I really like musicals. Which is why I am finally having a musical theme week. Yay Musical Week! Into The Woods decided to be a musical coming out on Christmas Day. The last time that happened was two years prior for Les Miserables …

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Sep 22


With Tusk, we have the first “crazy idea” from Kevin Smith‘s SModcast to be made into a movie. Maybe inspired by The Human Centipede, maybe their own twisted version of a film, who is to say. Personally, if I was to make a Walrus inspired movie, I’d make it off of this very famous Betty …

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Apr 23


Yay Sci-Fi movies. I hadn’t heard a lot about Transcendence, outside of seeing the trailer only once or twice. But it looked cool! Even better, it isn’t based on a book and doesn’t star Tom Cruise. I don’t hate him, he just is in a lot of Sci-Fi films lately, and I demand diversity. And …

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Jul 08

The Lone Ranger

Sync up your William Tell Overture Finale folks, it’s The Lone Ranger time. Although I never listened to the original radio series, or watched the TV series, or other movies, The Lone Ranger himself is pretty ingrained in American Pop Culture. A hero to the old American West, and a franchise that Jerry Bruckheimer has decided to take under his …

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Aug 05

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows!…Did anyone go see this film in theaters? I mean really? I don’t think I heard a single person thinking “Yes! Time to watch a remake of a 60s Soap Opera!” Not saying that it was a bad decision to turn Dark Shadows into a movie. First off, I’ve actually seen that show. Like, …

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Apr 07

Public Enemies


Before I review this, it might be important to remember that I am not a “real critic”. The ratings are all based on how much I liked the movie, so everythin I give is opinions. Always good to give that reminder, before I clumsily explain why I didn’t like Public Enemies. Short answer? I found …

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Feb 13

The Rum Diary

Ah ha! A Johnny Depp movie! Not only that, The Rum Diary is the kind of prequel to everyone’s favorite movie from 1997, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. That movie and this one were both written by the same guy, and both kind of about his life. The Rum Diary was written in the …

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Jan 22

The Tourist

The Tourist is the last of the “movies I have been avoiding unreasonably” mini theme that I just came up with. Gotta love an unplanned movie shortage! I mean, what kind of outfit is that for boating? Angelina Jolie is some sort of spy or agent or something. You aren’t sure. It is pretty vague …

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Oct 17

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


Damn you Jerry Bruckheimer Films! And the man himself while we are at it. Here is brief history of Pirates for me. PotC1? Loved it. PotC2? Hated how long it was and found the ending to be a nonconclusive end to the story. I hate it when movies end but not close the story, forcing …

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Oct 08



You all already know this movie. Johnny Depp! Lizard named Rango! Nickelodeon movie! After viewing it, I think this could be Nickelodeon’s third best movie. I haven’t seen Spiderwick Chronicles yet, so maybe it’s 4th. Number 2 is Harriet the Spy, and number 1 of course is Good Burger. Some friendships transcends the film they …

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