Tag Archive: Sports

Feb 19


Whoa whoa whoa, hold up. This movie Race is about a true story, inspirational sports figure, and it ISN’T made by Disney? They are dropping the ball! Whoa whoa whoa, a second time. This is about Jesse Owens, famed Olympic runner, and he isn’t being played by Chadwick Boseman? I thought he had the monopoly …

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Aug 04

The Unbeatables (Underdogs)

The Unbeatables, aka Underdogs, aka Metegol. You might know this movie by one of its names. It was of course first called Metegol in Argentina, where the film was made and released back in July of 2013! It had the distinction of being the most expensive Argentinian film ever at $21 million, and most expensive …

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Jul 24


Hold up your hands. Now bend your hands back a little bit and curl your fingers. Then use this hand position to hit someone in the face, with the bottom part of your palm. That is what I thought Southpaw was before this movie. Southpaw didn’t actually teach me what a Southpaw was, I had …

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Jul 13

7 Days In Hell

Something must be in the water, because this is my second “made for TV” movie in a few weeks. Not to spoil the surprise, but I have a third one next week as well. To give 7 Days In Hell some credit, it is at least an HBO movie, so it won’t be restricted by …

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Jun 15

McFarland, USA

I have avoided it long enough. I can tell you I didn’t want to see McFarland, USA, at all. Cross country is not an inherently exciting sports. It is a bunch of people running long distance. It is just another inspirational Disney sports movie. So the company that brought us Remember The Titans, which was …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/mcfarland-usa

Jan 05


Tally-ho! It is really hard to find a time to properly use the exclamation Tally-ho, so when I find an appropriate time, I kind of go all out. For those not in the cool kids club, tally-ho was a cheer for Fox hunting, a noble British sport about sitting on a horse while a dog …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/foxcatcher

Dec 12

Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story

I had planned to watch this before the latest health development from Mr. Hockey / Gordie Howe. Thankfully he didn’t have another stroke, but man, I have to face it that one of the greatest players is going to die soon. That is very sad, but at least I was old enough to really know …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/mr-hockey-the-gordie-howe-story

Aug 22

Schooled: The Price of College Sports

Whew. Here we go. I have long thought for the last 6 or so years, basically most of my entire college career, that college sports were weird. I get being a fan of a team if your family went there, or you went there, but any other reason seemed silly to me. All I knew …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/schooled-the-price-of-college-sports

Aug 07

When The Game Stands Tall

You know what sport has been unrepresented in film lately? Football. You might disagree with me. First, let’s ignore all the bullshit smaller titles, the made for TV stuff, the documentaries. I will not accept The 5th Quarter, it was a straight to DVD thing basically. Looking at only big releases, we had Draft Day …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/when-the-game-stands-tall

May 19

Million Dollar Arm

Brought to you by the people who gave us Invincible and Miracle? Well, Million Dollar Arm is breaking up the one word name scheme then. The two movies above were interesting, I guess. But even as a hockey fan, I didn’t really care too much for Miracle. Too much marriage drama over nothing coupled with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/million-dollar-arm

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