Tag Archive: Romance

Apr 25

The Adderall Diaries

Adderall is a drug designed to help those with ADHD calm the fuck down and get their work done. That is how I understand it at least. Adderall is also a drug that goes around college campuses or weird professions, where the user will take it in order to focus more on a task. The …

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Mar 31

Meet The Patels

I first heard about Meet The Patels months ago, and that is because an alumnus from my High School was the director! Now, she went there 14 years before me or so, but it was still cool. We got quite a few newsletters letting us know it was going to theaters and eventually Netflix. Despite …

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Mar 21

Hello, My Name Is Doris

Hello, My Name Is Doris first premiered at the Austin, TX SXSW festival in 2015. And it took a whole damn year to come out. Literally, the 2016 SXSW is closing as this film is starting to get its nationwide release. Some film companies really like to take their time I guess. I didn’t know …

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Mar 15

Sleeping With Other People

It took me so long to watch Sleeping With Other People, because I made a lot of assumptions based on the title. I assumed it was about two people in a relationship who were going through a tough time. Their sex drives were low but their love was high and that was making them frustrated. …

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Feb 21


Results, aka one of he many films I would have never known to exist if not for the Spirit Awards. Except unlike a lot of Spirit Award films, I was actually a bit excited to watch this one. I knew the main members of the cast! Hooray for familiarity! New things scare me. It was …

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Feb 19

Touched With Fire

Just like you, I didn’t know a lot about Touched With Fire before watching it. (Okay, I guess for most of you, you probably haven’t seen it either). Virtually no advertising, a super limited release, and well, that is all that I need to say. It is of course based on a book, and some …

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Feb 08

The Diary of a Teenage Girl

Growing up, I never really felt like a girl. No, I didn’t skip from toddler to womanhood. I am just a dude. But still, I don’t know what it feels like to be a girl. I never found someones diary and betrayed their trust by reading about their deepest and darkest secrets. Except for Anne …

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Feb 02

45 Years

Surprisingly this year I am far more caught up on Oscar nominated films than the years prior. Of the major categories, I am only missing two films, Trumbo and of course 45 Years for Best Actor and Best Actress. Best Actress and Supporting Actress are almost always weaker categories for me. And so, damn it, …

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Dec 24


As it happens every year, this year I find myself lacking in the Best Actress potential nominee department. Somehow these films with strong lady leads allude me, it is probably cause I am a man. But damn it, this year I got to see Carol before they announced Oscar nominations. Sure, it might presumptuous for …

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Nov 30


In all honesty, when I first heard about the movie Trainwreck, I really really really thought that this movie would involve a train. A couple meets on a train and talk and get to know each other. And hilarious things happen. But that is basically Before Sunrise minus comedy. Trainwreck is nothing like Before Sunrise, …

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