Tag Archive: James Franco
The Adderall Diaries
Adderall is a drug designed to help those with ADHD calm the fuck down and get their work done. That is how I understand it at least. Adderall is also a drug that goes around college campuses or weird professions, where the user will take it in order to focus more on a task. The …
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by Admin
September 14, 2015
Fucking finally. Those are the words I said when I sat down to watch The Interview. I mean…fuck! What month is it? September? 2015? The Interview was supposed to come out on Christmas of 2014 (after being pushed back from October to re-edit a little bit to make it better for NK), and I first …
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True Story
True Story is a True Story! And given the cast, it is going to be a hilarious romp about a real life situation that is probably grossly exaggerated! Or or or or! No, maybe this is a pseudo-sequel to This Is The End? Our main characters playing themselves, maybe pre-Apocalypse! Wait. What? This is a …
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by Admin
December 2, 2013
I can’t believe I almost forgot about Homefront! Maybe because it doesn’t feel like a holiday movie? No idea. But this was the last movie I had on my mind when I went to go see movies coming out before Thanksgiving. I guess what I am really saying is that a Red Dawn remake made …
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by Admin
November 28, 2013
It took me a long long long time to finally watch Milk. Which is stupid, because I am also trying to watch movies nominated for Academy awards, and it was the last film 2008 for me to see. I wasn’t sure why it took so long originally, but now I definitely know. Last year for …
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As I Lay Dying
by Admin
November 11, 2013
I first heard about As I Lay Dying a few months ago. I mean both this movie, and the book version. Don’t think I ever heard of the book, despite being on a list of best American books of all time. No, I first heard about because James Franco directing it became a pretty big …
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The Iceman
by Admin
September 6, 2013
A ha, my first review of a movie that has been guest reviewed! Here I am, following up someone else’s opinion, on my website. Not even mad. I try not to read opinions about film before I write my own, so obviously, my review of The Iceman breaks that creed unfortunately. If you want to …
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by Admin
September 1, 2013
Pornography! Sex! Clitoris in the neck! No, I am not just doing all that to increase traffic. I am hear to talk about Lovelace, the true story of Linda Lovelace, who starred in Deep Throat and helped changed the porno world forever. Kind of. I also just realized that Lovelace is also the name of …
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Some people will assume I watched About Cherry only because of its provocative DVD cover, of which I will leave up to you to look up on your own. Those people would be right. Seriously, that’s the reason. You see, she has been a naughty girl, and people need to acknowledge that fact in this …
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This Is The End
It is hard to pull off a movie like This Is The End. The actors end up playing fictional versions of themselves, setting the film in “the real world” where the stars are stars and the random people in the background are real random people. I should also mention this film is part of my …
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