I cannot stand Terrence Malick films. No I haven’t seen a lot of them. I haven’t even seen The Thin Red Line. But I have seen The Tree of Life and To The Wonder. The former I couldn’t get behind at all, despite some lovely visuals, and the latter was just a complete train wreck …
Tag Archive: Wes Bentley
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Nov 24
We Are Your Friends
Gorgon Reviews – Watching Shitty (Terrible) Movies So You Don’t Have To. My long standing tagline and life philosophy. But for the most part, lately, my movies have just been everything in theaters. Some shitty, some not. This is not a strange indie film. We Are Your Friends a film that was released throughout the …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/we-are-your-friends
Aug 03
Welcome To Me
If there is one thing I like talking about on this website, it is me. Yes, movies too, sure, whatever. But I am far more important, because a review has to give his/her thoughts on the movie, and knowing how they felt on previous films of that nature is the only way to know if …
Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/welcome-to-me
Nov 07
The Interstellar hype train is so hot right now, you could light a candle off of its ass. That might not make a lot of sense, but it sounds like something Matthew McConaughey could say really sweet in his voice, so I ran with it. But seriously. Christopher Nolan is one of the more well …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/interstellar
Aug 19
Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez is one of those indie movies that kind of just never came out near where I lived, so I never really got a chance to watch it. It came out on DVD a few weeks ago (or if I delay this review by a few weeks, a month or more ago!) so at …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/cesar-chavez
Aug 09
The Hunger Games
Somehow The Hunger Games came out to theaters in March, and I still was able to see it in a theater a few days ago. Crazier, considering the DVD comes out in a couple weeks (on a Saturday? Wtf?). Either way, yay Capitalism. And woo to the future! Woo to human sacrifices! In this future, …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-hunger-games
May 30
Gone is pretty much like Taken. You know, if the main character is a young adult women, not an older man. And if the younger sister is taken, not the daughter. And if the main character has no training in any government field. And if it takes place in a small town not half of …
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