Michael Moore hasn’t made a documentary in six years. His last one was Capitalism: A Love Story back in 2009. Way back then, I didn’t have a movie review website. I was just a regular guy who watched movies. C:ALS was my first Moore documentary, hearing a lot about him growing up (thanks to Team …
Tag Archive: Documentary
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May 05
Enter The Battlefield
Magic is possibly the greatest card game ever made, but I am a bit biased. I played for over a decade, in and out, depending on school and setting. At one point I was in tournaments weekly, paying $15 just for sweet cards and sweet fun. And eventually I stopped playing and became a collector. …
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Apr 28
Killing Them Safely
Causing me pain with his stinger, Shocking my life with lasers, Killing Me Safely with TASER Killing me safely…with TASER! That’s right, we are talking about the wonderful TASER made by TASER International. The actual first shocking device was developed in the late 60’s early 70’s but it took decades to really hit off. The …
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Apr 14
Gameshow Dynamos
It is still quite hard to find new documentaries coming out that are easy to watch and not about another damn singer. I might have to refuse to watch any of them this year as a sort of protest. Instead I found Gameshow Dynamos, a relatively recent release (within the last year at least) documentary …
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Apr 07
City Of Gold
Believe it or not, reviewing a subject is actually pretty hard. What do you say? Do you know how to say it with more words than just “good” and “bad?” Are you able to convey your feelings in a factual way that makes people believe? Shit, just check out my guest reviews on the website. …
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Mar 31
Meet The Patels
I first heard about Meet The Patels months ago, and that is because an alumnus from my High School was the director! Now, she went there 14 years before me or so, but it was still cool. We got quite a few newsletters letting us know it was going to theaters and eventually Netflix. Despite …
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Mar 24
The Overnighters
The oil industry is a fickle little bitch. I know quite a few people who are currently jobless as a result of a price crash and international disputes. But this documentary, The Overnighters, isn’t about the oil crash despite how easily it could have been. It was about the oil boon. The only reason people …
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Mar 17
The Search For General Tso
Who is General Tso? Was he a real man? Did he like food or chicken? Did he make Chinese food? Did he make Chinese American food? Why do people even like this stuff? Well, if you have wondered any of this, you have come to the right documentary. The Search For General Tso answers all …
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Mar 10
He Named Me Malala
You may have heard of Malala Yousafzai. If you have not, then you live in a bubble somewhere. Or you live in a repressed country and they are actively making sure you don’t hear about her. She made a book that was titled I Am Malala, memoirs of her life up to that point. Very …
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Feb 18
The Look of Silence
With The Look of Silence, I will have completed all of the nominated documentaries for the 2016 Academy Awards! This was the hardest one to find to watch and prepare for. Thankfully, Amazon Prime eventually had it available to rent. If you didn’t see a month ago, I reviewed The Act of Killing, nominated a …
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