Tag Archive: Anna Kendrick

Jul 15


Yay Cake! Finally a film to give me what I want, which is cake, cake frosting, really anything cake related. This film will put cake so high up on the map, kind of like what the film did for Butter (and for Jennifer Garner‘s accent). Hopefully it shows cake in all of its wonderful forms. …

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May 10

Pitch Perfect 2

What up Pitches!! First of all, I accidentally themed this week. I present to you, Yay Women Week. It should be self explanatory. I was excited for Pitch Perfect, for like, the year before it came out when I first heard about it. I love it when people make music with their mouths. And I …

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Apr 10

The Voices

The Voices is a movie that came out in early February that I really wanted to see as soon as I heard the plot. But I am not talking about the plot right now, I am talking about Ryan Reynolds. He had a relatively quiet year in 2014, but that is because he was working …

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Mar 09

The Last Five Years

I checked my charts and calendars, and I am pretty certain I have this whole thing figured out. Yes. Indeed, it looks like we are on my first musical review of 2015! Hooray! I don’t know how many will come out this year, but dang it, we at least got one. I think The Last …

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Dec 15

Into The Woods

Yay yay musicals! If you are a long time reader, you know I really like musicals. Which is why I am finally having a musical theme week. Yay Musical Week! Into The Woods decided to be a musical coming out on Christmas Day. The last time that happened was two years prior for Les Miserables …

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Sep 24

Happy Christmas

Shit. I should have saved this movie for actual Christmas. Jeez. What is wrong with me? I blew it, clearly. Happy Christmas is an indie movie, so of course it makes sense to come out on July 25th, which I guess is the “Christmas In July” day, but I don’t get that concept at all. …

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Sep 02

Life After Beth

Yes! More movies in the supernatural rom com genre! There hasn’t been a lot of these, I guess. Most of them are dramas more than comedies. Apparently that is where they think the money is at, teenage girls. But the comedy element? Outside of Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies), there haven’t been that many. So sure, …

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Aug 25

Drinking Buddies

Video on Demand is a wonderful service, for indie movies. In my area at least, we never get them early on, it will take many many weeks later, perhaps months. At that point, I might as well wait to watch it in the comforts of my very small apartment. But video on demand lets them …

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Jun 17


I have decided to have a theme week. Are you ready? Apocalypse Week. End of the world shit. You know. It seemed appropriate with the new movies coming out this week. In case you are curious in the future which movies are part of the week, I have tagged them all as Apocalypse Week as …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/rapture-palooza

May 02

The Company You Keep

Robert Redford is starring in a movie! That should be the first thing out of your mouth, seeing The Company You Keep. The other thing you will notice is it has quite a hefty list of famous actors thrown into the mix. Robert Redford doesn’t act much anymore, but when he does, he calls out all …

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