Did you see Margin Call? No? Well, it had a pretty big cast of actors! I mean, Stanley Tucci was in it, so you should see it. That is why I wanted to watch all the Hunger Games movies, but he only had one damn scene in the last one, and it wasn’t even good. …
Tag Archive: Steve Carell
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Apr 14
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
When I heard they were making a movie version of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, I didn’t have a good or bad impression. I was more indifferent about how the quality might be. Instead, I was worried about typing out the title, or getting the adjectives all out of order …
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Jan 05
Tally-ho! It is really hard to find a time to properly use the exclamation Tally-ho, so when I find an appropriate time, I kind of go all out. For those not in the cool kids club, tally-ho was a cheer for Fox hunting, a noble British sport about sitting on a horse while a dog …
Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/foxcatcher
Dec 19
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues
The boys are back in town. The legend of Ron Burgundy continues, with Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy came out in 2004, and from what I can tell, the first draft was horrible. So horrible that they had to rewrite and shoot the entire movie. The leftover original footage …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/anchorman-2-the-legend-continues
Aug 02
The Way, Way Back
Jim Rash and Nat Faxon wrote The Descendants, and graced our screens with its presence in 2011. It was nominated for Best Picture and eventually won Best Adapted Screenplay. It basically made these writers pretty hot commodities. That is why I was excited to see The Way, Way Back, their next film. No George Clooney this time, but they have …
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Jul 10
Despicable Me 2
Despicable Me 2 might make the most money out of any CGI movie this summer, so it is kind of a big deal. But does it deserve that money? The kid vote does not count, damn it. Despicable Me 2 starts us off soon after the first film. Gru (Steve Carell) is no longer a big …
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Jun 03
Despicable Me
I am proud to say that I actually saw Despicable Me in theaters. Yes, now I see everything in theaters, but in 2010, it was rare as shit. But I was like hey, those yellow things look cute. Let’s watch the movie! I figured I should probably write a review on it now, with the …
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Mar 27
The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
If you missed it, my site wasn’t updated for about a week. I had to go on a big trip into the New Mexico desert, and had no one else working on it, so updates didn’t happen. What did happen was I was left without movies for a good 10 days. I was freaking out. …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-incredible-burt-wonderstone
Dec 05
Seeking a Friend For The End Of The World
End of the world movies are pretty popular now a days. I say that as if they ever weren’t popular. But yeah, probably because of some 2012 topical shit, people like to think about their last moments on earth if they knew it was coming. Perfect Sense recently had a disease that made people lose …
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Nov 25
Hope Springs
Hope Springs is another one of those films that only had one preview and was played quite a lot. Heck, surprised it is still not out on DVD, I feel like I started seeing the previews four months ago, and took forever to see it come out after its initial run in theaters. I mean, …
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