Tag Archive: John Goodman

Mar 14

10 Cloverfield Lane

Cloverfield was a very polarizing movie back in 2008. Most people you would talk to had strong feelings one way or the other, but if you went on the internet you will find almost universal praise. Time changes everything. Now imagine everyone’s surprise when the first trailer of 10 Cloverfield Lane appeared a mere three …

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Jan 27


Trumbo! The great white buffalo! Of the main acting awards, this is the final film I needed to see to complete the categories. I missed it when it came out in November, because, I dunno, I was busy or something. I didn’t care to see it. I figured it wouldn’t get nominated, no matter how …

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May 29

The Gambler

I wouldn’t consider myself a gambler. The one time I got to go on a river cruise, I left broke and learned a valuable lesson. Never lose out in the first hour of a three hour cruise. The last two will feel like forever. Might as well just slots the whole time instead. The Gambler …

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Aug 26


“What in the fuck is this?” You might all be asking yourselves. “You said you don’t do older movies! You lied to us! We trusted you!” Stop talking in unison readers, that is creepy. This is a special occasion, much like my Milestone Reviews. I am taking part in a Blog-A-Thon with the theme of …

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Aug 04

Speed Racer

Hooray! Another fifty reviews later, I am ready to introduce my next Milstone Review: number 1150 for my website! Holy crap. If I thought 1050 was a shitty milestone, 1150 has to be way worse. But hey, fun reviews are fun. Today I decided to look at Speed Racer, which I didn’t see when it …

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Jun 30

Transformers: Age Of Extinction

Transformers. Michael Bay. Cash Money. That is some of the reviews in a nutshell. I didn’t check up on what people said about Transformers: Age of Extinction ahead of time, because I knew I would probably agree with them. I figured the film might be full of inaccuracies that I would find painful, but I’d …

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Feb 13

The Monuments Men

Finally, it is February, which means theaters are allowed to show good new movies again! Both The Monuments Men and The Lego Movie are out the same weekend, which adds some credit to the theory that studios literally wait to release their movies right outside of January, to separate themselves from the junk. This movie in particular …

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Jan 30

Inside Llewyn Davis

My main initial complaint with Inside Llewyn Davis is the name. I have seen the title online for months, but no one ever pronounced it for me by an official source. I had to wait til I saw the dang thing to know just how to pronounce Llewyn. And it is like Lue-Win. Now we …

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Jun 27

Monsters University

I will say this right up front: I was not looking forward to Monsters University at all. First off, I thought the first film, Monsters Inc. was only okay. More importantly, I think doing prequels is generally very lazy writing. Monsters Inc. gave us not only a lot of character development, but also entire society development. …

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May 29

The Hangover Part III

The Hangover series is a bit of an enigma. Here is why! The original is about four men on a bachelor party in Las Vegas, where they all black out, one goes missing, and they have to retrace their steps through the wildest night of their lives before the wedding. So what’d the sequel do? The …

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