There isn’t much new to say about the Mission: Impossible series that I didn’t already say in my Ghost Protocol review weeks ago. I watched the other four movies in the series, some were good, some were bad. More importantly, the last one was good, so the series is on an upswing and I can …
Tag Archive: Jeremy Renner
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Jul 17
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
Movie confession: I was born in 1989, and it took until the summer of 2015 for me to watch the first four Mission: Impossible films. I have definitely never seen the TV show (and don’t plan on it). I really wanted to review Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation when it was in theaters though, so …
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Apr 28
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Do I even have to write an intro? Yes? Well. Fuck. Okay. The Avengers was stupidly successful. I knew it would be in 2008 or so. Everything Marvel has done has been covered in molten gold, but in a good way, not a Game of Thrones way. So of course everyone is excited about …
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Dec 27
American Hustle
A lot of hype went into American Hustle and rightfully so. After all, it is the third movie from David O. Russell in four years, with the last two (The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook) being wildly successful and nominated for numerous awards. Not only that, but he took the two best people from each of his previous two …
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Jan 25
Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters
One of the advertisements for Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters basically said “a classic tale with a darker twist!”. Fuck that. Hansel & Gretel is one of the darkest fairy tales out there. Parents abandon their kids in the wood because they are too poor to eat. Only have some bread. They go to a …
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Sep 17
The Bourne Legacy
Confession time! From the original Bourne Trilogy, I only really saw the first one and I am pretty sure that was ten years ago. I just didn’t care that much, thought it was too slow. But you know, okay. So I had to rewatch it last week, and for the first time the second and …
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Jul 12
The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford
I had a mini theme day yesterday. Realized I had a long block of time, very long, and to make the best of it I wanted to watch some long movies. So I figured I might as well start with a long movie with a long title, hooyah! The Assassination Of Jesse James By The …
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May 04
The Avengers
If you haven’t heard of The Avengers, then fuck you. In 2008 a great thing happened. Comic book movies kicked ass. The Dark Knight, Hellboy II, and Iron Man came out, in reverse order between May and July. After the success of Iron Man, they quickly announced their three (turned into four) year plan. After …
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Apr 20
Ingenious is described as “A rags-to-riches story of two friends, a small-time inventor and a sharky salesman, who hit rock bottom before coming up with a gizmo that becomes a worldwide phenomenon.” Now what did they make? A bottle opener, that says a phrase when you open a bottle. Yep. A movie about those guys. …
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