I cannot stand Terrence Malick films. No I haven’t seen a lot of them. I haven’t even seen The Thin Red Line. But I have seen The Tree of Life and To The Wonder. The former I couldn’t get behind at all, despite some lovely visuals, and the latter was just a complete train wreck …
Tag Archive: Natalie Portman
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Nov 13
Thor: The Dark World
I have a confession to make. I really really enjoyed the first Thor movie. I enjoyed it far more than everyone else I know. It gets a lot of negative attention compared to the other Phase 1 Marvel films, and personally I disagree. I enjoyed it probably the third most out of all of the films, …
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Nov 15
The Other Woman
The Other Woman? Yes. This movie is the unofficial sequel to The Other Man. And by unofficial, I mean not at all related. It still deals with people cheating though, so don’t worry. “Yay infidelity!” Natalie Portman stars in this movie as the other woman. Yes! She meets a guy at the law firm, they …
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Oct 06
THORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Thor comes with an all-star cast, thanks to it being such a big picture. So I might as well get it out of the way. The titular character is played by Chris Hemsworth, because the director really liked his 10 minutes in Star Trek at the beginning. Natalie Portman is an Arizona scientist studying …
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Oct 05
I first heard of this movie from Joseph Gordon-Levitt himself. He came to UNC on some weird tour called HitRecord, and showed the preview for Hesher for fun. When I saw it, I thought “Well, that is shit.” Thankfully enough, I was wrong! This movie was a lot better than I thought, if not weird. …
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Oct 05
No Strings Attached
Hey look, an R Rated romcom my brother said was really good. No Strings Attached refers to sex, completely. Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman want to have sex, and not worry about a relationship. That is the whole plot in a nutshell. I should let you know that I don’t think Natalie Portman is the …
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Oct 01
Your Highness
I had already seen this movie in theaters, but never in Blu-Ray or Unrated. So, sorry for anyone hoping for a one time viewing review, you get at two time viewing review. Eat it! I must say also I didn’t really get the reason for the title until many weeks later. Your Highness? Alright. A …
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Sep 29
Black Swan
Black Swan, Pretty Popular, not for me. Okay I get it. Natalie Portman. She can be a great actress. In this movie she is supposed to play this very sheltered girl trying to get into her “Black Swan side” in order to get the big part of the ballet she has dreamed about forever. The …
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