Tag Archive: Selena Gomez

Mar 08

Hotel Transylvania 2

Happy Marcho-wene! For those who read this months from now, I quite lazily decided to finally review Hotel Transylvania 2 in March. Hell, it even came out to DVD in January. No excuse valid, not even a busy Oscar season. I thought Hotel Transylvania was only okay and really wasn’t surprised it had had a …

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Dec 28

The Big Short

Did you see Margin Call? No? Well, it had a pretty big cast of actors! I mean, Stanley Tucci was in it, so you should see it. That is why I wanted to watch all the Hunger Games movies, but he only had one damn scene in the last one, and it wasn’t even good. …

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Feb 24


It feels good to be out of my weeks of Oscar/award related movies. Now I can watch anything I want! Shitty comedies, shitty sex comedies, shitty sex romance movies, shitty dramas. Literally, the sky is wide open. So many shitty movies I had to ignore for weeks! But instead I watch Rudderless because it was …

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Jul 17

Behaving Badly

Behaving Badly is not a movie I was rushing out to see. Not really a movie I heard of ever, actually. But I grabbed it and a few others, purely as fillers when I needed something else for a week and wanted something random. Literally, the only reason I grabbed these movies was to make …

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Sep 05


Arguably, this has been a great summer for Ethan Hawke. In a few weeks, he was seen in two completely different movies. The first was The Purge, which doubled its budget in earnings and was a surprise early horror hit. The second was Before Midnight, the end of an eighteen year long trilogy, which featured some …

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Mar 28

Spring Breakers

Spring Break: a time for debauchery and nakedness! That is what I learned about it at least when I was growing up in the 90s, watching MTV six week specials. Seemed like the best time of everyone’s life, no worries, just party. Even Andrew W.K. would probably approve, although for different reasons. But what if …

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Oct 01

Hotel Transylvania

Oh heck yeah, it is October now! That means we get some Halloween themed movies, and of course, an increase in horror films. I am not as excited about those, but it comes with the territory. I was a bit apprehensive about Hotel Transylvania at first. Is this just another quickly made CGI movie with …

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Oct 15

Monte Carlo

First off, I am pretty sure this movie is secretly made by the creators of Gossip Girl. Two of the three main characters in this movie are from that show, which weirds me out. Leighton Meester and Katie Cassidy. The ‘star’ however is teen sensation (for some reason?) is Selena Gomez. I am sure it …

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Oct 08

Ramona and Beezus


Hmm. Hmmm. Hmmm. Okay. I am pretty sure I read some of the Ramona Quimby books. Definitely some of the smaller story lines seemed familiar. What I don’t remember is her seeming that bratty. I think. I know the Ramona character had issues, or was misunderstood, or something, but when I saw the film, in …

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