Tag Archive: Antonio Banderas

Mar 11

Knight of Cups

I cannot stand Terrence Malick films. No I haven’t seen a lot of them. I haven’t even seen The Thin Red Line. But I have seen The Tree of Life and To The Wonder. The former I couldn’t get behind at all, despite some lovely visuals, and the latter was just a complete train wreck …

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Nov 17

The 33

The 2010 Chilean mining accident is a wonderful topic for a movie. I am surprised it took them five years in fact. It was a national event, it lasted months, it involved dozens of people (33 to be exact), and it had a happy ending. Imagine if they opened the hole and it was a …

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Aug 14

The Expendables 3

Ah, a third movie. The Expendables 3 was rocked with “controversy” a few weeks before its release by having an actual good copy of it released on the internet. DVD or better scan, all the effects in, everything. Not a shitty cam copy. Well, in a day it had over 100,000 downloads, and by now …

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Oct 17

Machete Kills

Machete started out as a fake trailer in front of the Grindhouse movies, Death Proof and Planet Terror. Robert Rodriguez decided that the fake trailer needed to be made into a real movie and Machete was born! A movie that was made on purpose to be bad, it had plenty of potential, but to me just felt boring. I …

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Jul 26

Ruby Sparks

I often find that when all you do is talk about movies, people tend to suggest them. Of course I will watch a movie if someone suggests it to me, but with Ruby Sparks something even stranger happened. TWO people recommended this movie to me, potentially within a few weeks apart. Well, of course I …

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Apr 30


“We’re going to watch the female Bourne Identity movie.” “Err what?” Apparently that is how some people are referring to Haywire. Not sure why, not like she is a secret weapon or anything. I think it is more based on the realistic fighting than anything. What I’m trying to say is, I had no idea …

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Feb 22

Puss In Boots


Hooray, CGI movies about cats and swords! As you probably already know, Puss In Boots is a prequel to the Shrek tales, but has nothing to do with Shrek. Just…Puss In Boots and how he got those boots. And you know, uhh…Other tales. Antonio Banderas reprises his role as the sword swinging feline. He is …

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Feb 05

The Big Bang

The Big Bang! Huh. Okay, but are they talking about guns? Or are they talking about the creation of the universe? MAYBE. Just maybe! A gun that can create universes when it shoots. That’d be wicked, if not super sci-fi. But Antonio Banderas is normally more subtle than a universe creating gun. So AB is …

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Nov 14

The Other Man

Damn it, Liam Neeson. “What?” – Liam Neeson. My original review of this movie was just the first four words. But I asked three people and one wanted me to elaborate. Neeson’s wife (Laura Linney), a shoe designer, died. He finds out she may have been sleeping with anOther Man. He finds out it is …

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