Tag Archive: Tom Hardy

Jan 08

The Revenant

Leonardo DiCaprio doesn’t have an Oscar. Everyone knows that. The internet won’t let you or anyone forget. He tried so hard with The Wolf of Wall Street. There was the incredibly long and well acted scene where he was on Ludes that was hysterical and just so damn good that it elevated his chances to …

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Nov 27


What makes a Legend? Is it their walk, their background, their story, their Will Smithy-ness? Or does it involve being a bad ass mofo mobster, enough that one day someone will make a movie about you? Like, Whitey, he was bad ass, and Johnny Depp played him in Black Mass. Is your Legend-ness downplayed if …

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May 15

Mad Max: Fury Road

Day 5 of Yay Women Week! Wait, what. This is about MAD MAX. And how FURY the ROAD is. That doesn’t sound go power women ya ya ya at all. But hey, what do you know. You probably haven’t even seen it yet. After all, early reports about Mad Max: Fury Road is that it …

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Sep 16


Locke came out a few weeks ago but something about the title or the dvd cover just bugged me. Based on name and cover alone, I figured it was some sort of slow crime movie. Had to push it back. Too much energy to appreciate a slow crime movie. The reason I finally decided to …

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Sep 11

The Drop

Of all the movies coming out this week, The Drop was the one I was most excited for (Outside of Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? but who knows when I will get to see that one!). Mostly because I didn’t have to see a trailer for it at all. Not a once. I got …

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Oct 26


I am surprised at how little Lawless was talked about when it first hit theaters. They didn’t really give away any of the plot, but made it seem like a ganster/western movie of some sort, with some bad ass actors. And you know, uhh, Shia LaBeouf. Damn it Shia, what did I tell you about …

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Jul 20

The Dark Knight Rises

The Dark Knight Rises has the pleasure and curse of being one of the top three anticipated movies of the year (along with The Avengers and The Hobbit). As it is a straight up sequel, not a collaboration of movies like the Avengers, it almost has more pressure because it will be compared success and …

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Jun 07

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

SPY MOVIES. But this is not your James Bond type of Spy Movie. This is the more subtle, information based spy movie. Of course more secret government organizations. But it is also British, and with other European people. As a hardcore American, that is a negative to me. Because we are the best. But honestly, …

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May 24

This Means War

I’d like to think that they made This Means War after the successes of Knight and Day and Killers, the former that I love, the later that I don’t ever want to see. I mean, Spies and love seemed to have work. So why not actually make it spies competing for love? It’s like lets …

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Dec 16


Warrior is a movie some have claimed to be movie of the year, while others have claimed its just “another boxing movie”. Boxing movies tend to follow the same plot: Main boxing character is an underdog, has to train a whole bunch, usually with an older stubborn coach, and shocks the world in the tournament …

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