Yay yay musicals! If you are a long time reader, you know I really like musicals. Which is why I am finally having a musical theme week. Yay Musical Week! Into The Woods decided to be a musical coming out on Christmas Day. The last time that happened was two years prior for Les Miserables …
Tag Archive: Chris Pine
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Nov 26
I am not going to get into the same old tirade of how I randomly picked this movie on a whim on Netflix. Mostly because I just gave you all that information in one sentence. Boom. Roasted. No. Instead I want to talk about how surprising it is that I never heard about this movie …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/stretch
Jan 24
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Isn’t it strange that Tom Clancy died, and within the next two days, they released the first trailer for Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit? Isn’t it strange that this is the first Jack Ryan movie to be made not actually based on any of Tom Clancy’s books, just the character itself, as a sort of reboot? Skydance Productions certainly has some …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/jack-ryan-shadow-recruit
May 23
Star Trek Into Darkness
For whatever reason, just like my previous review of Star Trek, I am finding the right words to describe Star Trek Into Darkness. I feel like a fake, a liar. I am a nerd who knows not a lot about the Star Trek series and never really cared to find out. So as to whether …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/star-trek-into-darkness
Nov 28
Rise of the Guardians
Holidays are now in full swing and the makers of movies are finally tired of the same old crap. Do we really need another movie about Santa or the Spirit of Christmas? Or trying to explain why a bunny celebrates with eggs? How the tooth fairy is able to gather teeth all around the world? …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/rise-of-the-guardians
Aug 06
People Like Us
People Like Us is a movie that actually went to theaters, but I never really heard of it. Heck, still in theaters. I only knew about it because I saw a preview for it in WTEWYE, and was like “Hey, I’ll watch that!” You know. Because I will watch anything. The cast didn’t hurt the …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/people-like-us
Jul 29
Star Trek
I claim to be pretty nerdy on this site, yet almost every time it seems something nerdy comes up, I claim to not be that type of nerd. This is another example of one of those times. Star Trek? Never really watched any of it. The amount I know about it is the amount I …
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May 24
This Means War
I’d like to think that they made This Means War after the successes of Knight and Day and Killers, the former that I love, the later that I don’t ever want to see. I mean, Spies and love seemed to have work. So why not actually make it spies competing for love? It’s like lets …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/this-means-war
Feb 06
Bottle Shock
Bottle Shock is a movie about Wine in the 1970s and how America is better than France. Honestly, if you made it past the first half of the sentence congrats, because you got to see the second half, and realized that it is in fact awesome. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! Coming this summer on NBC. Based …
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Oct 26
I will ask the question everyone is thinking first. Does Denzel Washington have a secret train love? He probably likes to pretend he is actually part of the trains. First I reviewed The Taking of Pelham 123, and now this, Unstoppable. Denzel was some NYC conductor like person, and in this one he is just …
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