Tag Archive: Alec Baldwin

Jan 04


Head injuries are serious things. Because your brain is your most important organ. You can’t survive without your brain, so things that hurt your brain are literally the worse. And vague things like concussions become scary nightmares. These may sound like facts, but that is because your brain is telling you they are. If you …

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Aug 25


It has been awhile since I have seen a film set mostly in Hawaii. Godzilla, Big Eyes, Battleship all had elements in Hawaii. But the last full on Hawaiian film was The Descendants and it was really fucking good. So if I compare all films set in Hawaii, Aloha has to have some pretty big …

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Jul 29

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

There isn’t much new to say about the Mission: Impossible series that I didn’t already say in my Ghost Protocol review weeks ago. I watched the other four movies in the series, some were good, some were bad. More importantly, the last one was good, so the series is on an upswing and I can …

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Dec 31

Still Alice

Still Alice is another one of those movies that got leaked from Sony ahead of time. But no one cared about Still Alice. They only cared about Fury and Annie. Personally, I hadn’t heard of the movie at all. It sounds creepy I guess. But then I heard about buzz for best actress and maybe …

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Aug 29

Blue Jasmine

Woody Allen sure is an interesting man. He is now 77 years old (This is a 2013 review, for you future readers ten-twenty years from now), and still churning out interesting and diverse movies. I personally find it hard to watch some of his films, usually the overly romantic ones. I have rented You Will …

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Nov 28

Rise of the Guardians

Holidays are now in full swing and the makers of movies are finally tired of the same old crap. Do we really need another movie about Santa or the Spirit of Christmas? Or trying to explain why a bunny celebrates with eggs? How the tooth fairy is able to gather teeth all around the world? …

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Aug 15

Suburban Girl

Before you get all pumped up, no Suburban Girl is not some crazy return of Sarah Michelle Gellar. She is still stuck doing weird shows. Because this movie came out in 2007, and thus is now super old. But then again, if Jennifer Love Hewitt can make a come back through shows, why not SMG?! …

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Aug 03

Rock Of Ages

Rock Of Ages is probably going to be another biased review. I’ve had the soundtrack for the musical for probably a couple years now. Wanted to see it since I first heard about it and love the soundtrack. Lots of mixes between songs, and interesting ways to do them. So when I heard about the …

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Apr 10


I can say that I honestly only watched Lymelife because I saw Alec Baldwin on the cover. Of course he was wearing a suit too. Because that is all Alec Baldwin has to do nowadays. Well its a suit of clothing at least, right? This movie is more about a little rich~ kid named Scott …

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Sep 29

It’s Complicated

Hmm. This is a movie I really wanted to like. Who doesn’t like Alec Baldwin, I mean, come on! The story is the one as old as time…a divorced couple of about 10 years want to have an affair with each other. Lots and lots of old people sex. “Old people” being of course kind …

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