Tag Archive: Ray Liotta
The Identical
by Admin
January 21, 2015
The Identical actually came to theaters first week of September, and, from what I can remember, it was the only thing to come out that whole week. Yet I didn’t see it til its DVD Release. Why? Well. It didn’t have any pre-screenings at all, around the country. Popular movies have pre-screenings. Movies that end …
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by Admin
November 26, 2014
I am not going to get into the same old tirade of how I randomly picked this movie on a whim on Netflix. Mostly because I just gave you all that information in one sentence. Boom. Roasted. No. Instead I want to talk about how surprising it is that I never heard about this movie …
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Sin City: A Dame To Kill For
I don’t know how people reviewed the movie Sin City when it came out, I just know that Sin City: A Dame To Kill For will be pretty hard to review. Sin City itself was pretty polarizing. I think overall it was on the positive side of the spectrum for most people (including me). The …
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Hello there kiddos! Remember my last review of The Muppets? No? Well, there it is if you want to click on it. If you don’t want to, I gave it a 2 out of 4. I never watched The Muppets as a kid, so I had no sense of attachment. It was an okay movie …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/muppets-most-wanted
The Iceman
by Admin
September 6, 2013
A ha, my first review of a movie that has been guest reviewed! Here I am, following up someone else’s opinion, on my website. Not even mad. I try not to read opinions about film before I write my own, so obviously, my review of The Iceman breaks that creed unfortunately. If you want to …
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Guest Review: The Iceman
I am watching The Iceman on the recommendation from someone who hasn’t even seen the dang thing. They just heard it was good from other people. Thankfully, I am glad I took that advice. The opening of this movie starts with a really awkward coffee date between Richard “Richie” Kuklinksi (Michael Shannon) and Deb (Winona Ryder) …
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Whew, this might be one of the longer reviews I have put off writing. After I saw Pawn, I meant to write it later that night. Then I probably wandered off and fell into a movie coma. Then I kept watching more and more movies, so although Pawn was on my list to write I …
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The Details
The Details I must say is a random grab for me. I saw the cover, I noticed how bad it looked, and that hey, I know all the people in it. Fuck it. Give it a shot. It did just come out on DVD/Blu-Ray, but I know it was finished in 2011. Lot of post …
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The Place Beyond The Pines
The Place Beyond The Pines by itself is an interesting title. It is actually the literal meaning of Schenectady, a town in New York where this film both takes place and is filmed. Damn these clever directors and writers! The title is also mysterious enough on its own right to potentially gain viewers by itself. Every time there …
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Killing Them Softly
by Admin
December 12, 2012
What can I say about Killing Them Softly? On the internet, where I live, there seems to be a pretty heated discussion on whether or not this movie is weird. Why? Because it is just incredibly weird overall. Like, over the top, doesn’t go the way you think it will, very long scenes, weird. Also, …
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