Heh. Heheheheh. They Came Together. That title. Oh man. Oh boy. I’m done. I can’t even think of a good intro because of that. However, I would feel like an asshat if I didn’t first mention that this movie had already been reviewed on my website. Yah! Here is a link! Because I totally have …
Tag Archive: Ed Helms
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Nov 26
I am not going to get into the same old tirade of how I randomly picked this movie on a whim on Netflix. Mostly because I just gave you all that information in one sentence. Boom. Roasted. No. Instead I want to talk about how surprising it is that I never heard about this movie …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/stretch
Aug 15
We’re The Millers
Watching the trailer for We’re The Millers, it is clear that it could be hit or miss. There are moments in there that make me laugh every time I see it, and those that make me think it will be the worse film ever. I like Jason Sudeikis as a comedy actor. The problem is, he hasn’t proven himself …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-hangover-part-iii
Sep 12
The Lorax
I say a lot I try to make sure that movies based on books are given their own subjective look, without bringing the book into it. After all, they are different mediums. I need to judge the movie just on its movieness. But The Lorax? That shit is classic. Here is an audio version for …
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Jul 01
Jeff, Who Lives At Home
I had no idea what to expect from a movie entitled Jeff, Who Lives At Home. I don’t think I ever saw a preview for it, maybe a TV ad once or twice, just that was it. But based on the actors, I assumed some sort of Apatow level comedy. Probably about an older guy …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/jeff-who-lives-at-home
May 20
Lower Learning
Lower Learning is a brand new take on the corrupt and out of control high school where the students and teachers have to fight back in order to not get closed down. And that just means it takes place in an elementary school instead. Mad Libs is also instant entertainment. Jason Biggs is a vice …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/lower-learning
Dec 04
The Hangover Part II
The Hangover, critically, was one of the higher rated comedies by critics for a long time. So much that people would continue to compare all new comedies to it and think the other comedies are “lame” if they are too similar. I even heard someone say that Horrible Bosses was too similar to it, just …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-hangover-part-ii
Oct 02
Cedar Rapids
Sometimes the quality of a disk can really determine how much you enjoy a movie. This would be my case for Cedar Rapids. About 50 minutes into it (out of 86) it was fine, but I might have missed about 5 minutes of material in the last half hour, which is a lot. Lot of …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/cedar-rapids
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