There isn’t much new to say about the Mission: Impossible series that I didn’t already say in my Ghost Protocol review weeks ago. I watched the other four movies in the series, some were good, some were bad. More importantly, the last one was good, so the series is on an upswing and I can …
Tag Archive: Simon Pegg
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Jul 17
Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
Movie confession: I was born in 1989, and it took until the summer of 2015 for me to watch the first four Mission: Impossible films. I have definitely never seen the TV show (and don’t plan on it). I really wanted to review Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation when it was in theaters though, so …
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Jun 16
Kill Me Three Times
Kill me once, kill me twice, kill me deadly, as Lita Ford kind of almost once said. Ms Ford couldn’t count to three, much like Valve, but it is for good reason. Kill Me Three Times? That is definitely excessive. Two is usually excessive as well, unless you believe in resurrection, but most cultures don’t …
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Dec 02
The Boxtrolls
Let’s face it. Trailers for the most part suck. Every once in awhile you get a Walter Mitty trailer, but those usually end up only being a first edition trailer, and later trailers ruin everything. Too much plot, too many spoilers, all of the cool shit, they can leave nothing exciting for the viewers when …
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Aug 30
The World’s End
Not a lot of people know that The World’s End is actually the last movie in a trilogy. Yes, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are the first two films, all three of which are directed by Edgar Wright and star the same two people. These three films make up the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, which I would explain more, …
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May 23
Star Trek Into Darkness
For whatever reason, just like my previous review of Star Trek, I am finding the right words to describe Star Trek Into Darkness. I feel like a fake, a liar. I am a nerd who knows not a lot about the Star Trek series and never really cared to find out. So as to whether …
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Jul 29
Star Trek
I claim to be pretty nerdy on this site, yet almost every time it seems something nerdy comes up, I claim to not be that type of nerd. This is another example of one of those times. Star Trek? Never really watched any of it. The amount I know about it is the amount I …
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Apr 05
The Good Night
I bought The Good Night because of the cover. It was dramatic enough to make me intrigued. Definitely followed a formulaic approach though. Look at them. All on the sides. Looking at us. Looking for love. Turns out this is a movie about lucid dreaming. So that’s what the title is about! Sleeping and dreams. …
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Mar 14
The Adventures Of Tintin
When I thought about The Adventures of Tintin as a crazy CGI movie, I didn’t think much of it. I thought it would probably cost a lot of money and not do so well. I also knew that he probably wouldn’t go to Africa, given his old comics being racist and stuff. Basically what you …
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