Yay yay musicals! If you are a long time reader, you know I really like musicals. Which is why I am finally having a musical theme week. Yay Musical Week! Into The Woods decided to be a musical coming out on Christmas Day. The last time that happened was two years prior for Les Miserables …
Tag Archive: Meryl Streep
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Aug 17
The Giver
Raise your hand if you never read The Giver? Since I am writing this before you read this, and it is the internet, I can properly assume no one raised their hand when I asked the question. Seriously. This is one of those books that tends to frequent everyone’s elementary or middle school experience. I …
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May 28
I have been putting off watching Doubt for quite a long time. The only reason is, in 2007, before the movie came out, I ended up seeing the play version for free. The play version of Doubt has only four characters: priest, old nun, young nun, kid’s mom. That is it. No children at all …
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Jan 28
August: Osage County
Here’s a totally non surprising confession. I. Love. Plays. And musicals. But that live shit, on a stage? It is great. I especially love plays because the entire focus point of the play will generally always be people conversing with one another. No amazing special effects. Just acting and great dialogue. Mmm, great dialogue. I …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/august-osage-county
Apr 15
The Iron Lady
Well, I guess I put off seeing The Iron Lady long enough. I may have had access to this movie since it came out on DVD in 2012, but I never really found myself in the mood to see it. After all, I knew it would include a few things with 100% certainty. 1) British …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-iron-lady
Nov 25
Hope Springs
Hope Springs is another one of those films that only had one preview and was played quite a lot. Heck, surprised it is still not out on DVD, I feel like I started seeing the previews four months ago, and took forever to see it come out after its initial run in theaters. I mean, …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/hope-springs
Sep 29
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Damn it, Wes Anderson. I liked one of your movies. Are you happy now? Oh you want more? Well, one thing that makes this film different is that it is stop animation, not live action. Because live action movies about foxes couldn’t be fantastic, like Mr. Fox is. It is quirky and lead by the …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/fantastic-mr-fox
Sep 29
It’s Complicated
Hmm. This is a movie I really wanted to like. Who doesn’t like Alec Baldwin, I mean, come on! The story is the one as old as time…a divorced couple of about 10 years want to have an affair with each other. Lots and lots of old people sex. “Old people” being of course kind …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/its-complicated
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