Or, hey, how does this site work? What do your ratings mean? How can I optimize my time here?
Hello all!
If you want to see all the reviews I have done, you can go here. It is also the middle “slide” of the front page slider. The third slide is for feedback. The search bar on the right kind of sucks. Sure if you search for a movie, it should show up. Not as true for actors.
Each post is tagged with the main actors/actresses at the bottom, so if you want to see if I have done more movies with that person, you can click on the tag and it will take you to the tagged reviews. Similarly, the ratings are tagged, so if you want to look up all the 4 rated movies, that is tagged as such too. The bottom of this page is tagged with the 5 review totals, to easily sort that way as well.
And you know, if you follow me on , I will post all updates through it, and talk about reviews of other stuff I am watching, from older movies to tv shows. The front page will always have the last few reviews done, and you can always just go back to the older posts to read that way as well.
I do ratings from a scale of 0-4.
4 – What a great movie! This movie is pretty damn awesome! It has few flaws! I can’t wait until I see this movie again. I know I will, in fact, I should buy it. Why aren’t you watching this movie?
3 – This was a pretty good movie. I am sure one day I will watch it again, or if a friend wants to watch it I wont mind. Had some good parts, maybe I might even remember some quotes.
2 – Okay movie. Not horrible, not too good. I am overall glad I watched this movie, as it probably added something to my either pop culture knowledge, or just overall human knowledge.
1 – This movie wasn’t that good. Fell flat for any number of reasons, and really, I didn’t need to see it. It is pretty obvious I won’t watch this movie again, and you should pass unless you still really want to.
0 – OH GOD WHYYYYYY! This movie is horrible! Watching this movie made me MAD! Why did it have to be so bad! It had lots wrong with it! I expect better this day and age.
So yeah, a 5 point scale. Why not go 1-5? Because I feel like I should be able to give movies a 0. I also don’t go into .5’s, because that makes a 5 point scale that is easy to comprehend, into a 10 point scale, which is just ridiculous.
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