Tag Archive: Benedict Cumberbatch

May 25

Penguins of Madagascar

With the Penguins of Madagascar, every major animated release in the US in 2014 should now be reviewed on Gorgon Reviews. Hooray! Exciting! Unfortunately it is the sequel/spinoff series to Madagascar, which I found to be very mediocre or bad. However, this one at least also had a TV show before it came out, so …

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Jan 06

The Imitation Game

2014 has been the year of the Doppelganger. Not Doppelganger Movies, that was just two Hercules movies. No, 2014 gave us Enemy and The Double (which may have been 2013) and The One I Love. Clones everywhere. But The Imitation Game, despite its clone sounding title, is totally not about clones! What’s up with that? …

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Dec 08

The Hobbit: The Battle Of Five Armies

Ding dong the mother fucking witch is dead. That is how I am starting to feel about this franchise. In college, I wanted to do a semester abroad in New Zealand because it is a beautiful country, but now I think I have seen enough of it. Everyone knows the Lord of the Rings are …

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Jan 28

August: Osage County

Here’s a totally non surprising confession. I. Love. Plays. And musicals. But that live shit, on a stage? It is great. I especially love plays because the entire focus point of the play will generally always be people conversing with one another. No amazing special effects. Just acting and great dialogue. Mmm, great dialogue. I …

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Dec 13

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Last time, when I reviewed The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, I didn’t get to see it in the 48 FPS 3D version until about a week later. But this time, times are a changing, and I can talk a bit about that too. I ended up liking the super detailed high frame rate for the …

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Nov 18

12 Years A Slave

I try to not go into movies biased, but with going to a lot of movies, I am forced to see a lot of previews. Mother fucking movie previews bias the crap out of me. I miss the days where I could watch most of my movies without knowing a lot about it before hand. …

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Oct 24

The Fifth Estate

Movies based on true events are always a tricky endeavor, especially if those events are within the last few years. If they are based on a single person, who happens to be alive, then it can get all sorts of awkward. Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks is currently living in the Ecuadorian Assembly in London. If …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-fifth-estate

May 23

Star Trek Into Darkness

For whatever reason, just like my previous review of Star Trek, I am finding the right words to describe Star Trek Into Darkness. I feel like a fake, a liar. I am a nerd who knows not a lot about the Star Trek series and never really cared to find out. So as to whether …

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Dec 14

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Watch out everyone, movie event of the year coming through. Sure, that is debatable. After all, Twilight Ended, the year isn’t over yet, and the end of Batman Trilogy and Avengers went down. But The Hobbit still may have been a greater buildup. After all, the previous LOTR movies were all nominated for Academy Awards, …

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Jun 07

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

SPY MOVIES. But this is not your James Bond type of Spy Movie. This is the more subtle, information based spy movie. Of course more secret government organizations. But it is also British, and with other European people. As a hardcore American, that is a negative to me. Because we are the best. But honestly, …

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