Tag Archive: Jude Law

Jul 28


Like a lot of people, I am beginning to mistrust Paul Feig and Melissa McCarthy. Paul Feig did give us Bridesmaids, sure, but The Heat didn’t feel right with me. He also has his strange obsession with McCarthy, so when it was announced he would do a Ghostbusters reboot, it was obvious he would be …

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May 05

Black Sea

Day 2 of Blackweek! Day 1 featured Blackhat, so we are going to remove our clothing and take a dive in the Black Sea instead. I’d make a corny joke about what this movie is about and act surprised when it is something different. But how could I do that? It is called Black Sea! …

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Mar 04

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Hyping up these things is getting hard. But mostly because the next few are pretty meh, until I hit 1500. What? Yes, what I am saying is welcome to my 1300th review, bitches. Time for a Milestone Review. I think I have the next few figured out too. I am continuing with my theme of …

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May 29

Dom Hemingway

The first and only time I heard about the movie Dom Hemingway was as a trailer before The Grand Budapest Hotel. The latter movie was fantastic, so that felt like a good sign for Dom Hemingway. But the trailer? The trailer made me want to see Dom Hemingway right after I watched my Wes Anderson …

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Mar 26

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Hah. Wes Anderson. For those that don’t read every post I make, Wes Anderson is a strange guy for me. Every movie I reviewed for the site that he directed, I have love love loved. But that was only two movies. The other one I saw I just didn’t really get, and thought it was …

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Feb 25

Anna Karenina

If you have never heard of Anna Karenina, then you might have your finger far from the pulse of the Russian Literature community. So you might be like me. “But this is Tolstoy!” all two of you yell in anguish. Yeah, well, he is dead now, so how great can he have been? This is …

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Feb 11

Side Effects

side jude thinkin

If you saw the trailer for Side Effects, you probably found yourself confused. It tells you practically nothing; something about pills, a doctor/therapist/pharmacist getting in trouble, and maybe someone dying. There really isn’t enough here to convince the average person to check out the film. But what if “mysterious” is what the movie was going …

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Nov 28

Rise of the Guardians

Holidays are now in full swing and the makers of movies are finally tired of the same old crap. Do we really need another movie about Santa or the Spirit of Christmas? Or trying to explain why a bunny celebrates with eggs? How the tooth fairy is able to gather teeth all around the world? …

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Jul 08


Turns out the movie Sleuth is a remake! The older version came out a whole twenty five years before the remake, which means a third version of this movie should be out in about 2016. That is a remakes come faster nowadays, joke. Remakes also feature more knives. This movie doesn’t have many people in …

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Apr 26

Repo Men


I definitively had Repo Men on the shelf for over a year before finally watching it. Why? Because I thought the plot would be obvious. I thought it would be lame action. I also knew that the Repo! The Genetic Opera had also existed, even though I hadn’t seen it yet. Just didn’t like two …

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