Tag Archive: Kate Bosworth

May 08

Black Rock

Final day of Blackweek which also means I can pick almost anything I want! After all, since Black Mass isn’t out yet, I don’t have any other super new 2015 movies to review. And I really had no idea what I wanted to watch. So as I often do in this situation, I went to …

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Dec 31

Still Alice

Still Alice is another one of those movies that got leaked from Sony ahead of time. But no one cared about Still Alice. They only cared about Fury and Annie. Personally, I hadn’t heard of the movie at all. It sounds creepy I guess. But then I heard about buzz for best actress and maybe …

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Dec 02


I can’t believe I almost forgot about Homefront! Maybe because it doesn’t feel like a holiday movie? No idea. But this was the last movie I had on my mind when I went to go see movies coming out before Thanksgiving. I guess what I am really saying is that a Red Dawn remake made …

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Jan 30

Movie 43

The thing I love most about Movie 43 is how easy it will be to review. I mean, part of the point is not knowing much about the movie ahead of time before you see it. So I don’t have describe all the skits, just the main plot that tries to hold it all together. …

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Oct 24

L!fe Happens

Entirely my fault, but as soon as I started to watch this movie, I was immediately disappointed. I saw L!fe Happens in the RedBox, and was like, “HOLY SHIT THE GOOCH IS STARRING IN A MOVIE GO GO GO GO GOGOGOGOGOGOGO!” Well it’s not The Gooch. It is just Krysten Ritter, who always reminds me …

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Jan 04

The Warrior’s Way

Obviously I have a wide arrange of movies readily available to me, and this is one of the first I had the chance to see. I passed it up though, at the time, because I wasn’t yet set in the “Watch everything always, damn it!” mind set. It just looked like it would be dumb, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-warriors-way

Dec 16

Straw Dogs

Hold your horses everyone. ANOTHER Hollywood remake!? For shame. After all, the first Straw Dogs is only 40 years old. It should still be fresh and in everyone’s minds. Clearly Hollywood is running out of ideas, if it has to remake something only 40 years old. The NEW Straw Dogs will automatically suck, by comparison. …

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