Tag Archive: Sean Harris

Jul 29

Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation

There isn’t much new to say about the Mission: Impossible series that I didn’t already say in my Ghost Protocol review weeks ago. I watched the other four movies in the series, some were good, some were bad. More importantly, the last one was good, so the series is on an upswing and I can …

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Jun 09


After American Hustle, I just assumed every Christmas we would get a movie with Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. They did it two years a row, and that means they have to do it forever? Sure enough, looking at their IMDBs early in 2014, you would have seen Serena, coming out sometime end of 2014. …

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Jun 06

Deliver Us From Evil

The first time I saw a trailer for Deliver Us From Evil, it definitely scared me. It was simple and basic, but it did the trick. They made a more plot based trailer eventually, but I never saw it. It should have been of no surprise that I found the trailer terrifying, because the writer/director …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/deliver-us-from-evil

Jun 11



Prometheus! Such a meaningful word. This movie I had the pleasure of seeing in theaters, which of course means it is automatically a bit better than it might be, so the review could change months later. Outside of the amazing trailers, of course I knew that Ridley Scott was the director. I had heard originally …

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