Tag Archive: Hunter Parrish

Dec 31

Still Alice

Still Alice is another one of those movies that got leaked from Sony ahead of time. But no one cared about Still Alice. They only cared about Fury and Annie. Personally, I hadn’t heard of the movie at all. It sounds creepy I guess. But then I heard about buzz for best actress and maybe …

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Aug 26

17 Again

17 Again is of course not an original plot. A lot of movies have an older person relive their youth, and find out they actually had it good. Sometimes, they get to become old instead. And also other times, they just switch bodies, such as 18 Again! the movie I first heard of when I …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/17-again

Sep 29

It’s Complicated

Hmm. This is a movie I really wanted to like. Who doesn’t like Alec Baldwin, I mean, come on! The story is the one as old as time…a divorced couple of about 10 years want to have an affair with each other. Lots and lots of old people sex. “Old people” being of course kind …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/its-complicated

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