Quentin Tarantino is a crazy sunuvabitch. He has passion, you gotta agree with that. He loves movies and wants movies to be real. Christopher Nolan and him are some of the only reasons film is even relevant anymore. Tarantino had a lot of problems leading up to The Hateful Eight. Like when his script was …
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May 29
Dom Hemingway
The first and only time I heard about the movie Dom Hemingway was as a trailer before The Grand Budapest Hotel. The latter movie was fantastic, so that felt like a good sign for Dom Hemingway. But the trailer? The trailer made me want to see Dom Hemingway right after I watched my Wes Anderson …
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Oct 17
Machete Kills
Machete started out as a fake trailer in front of the Grindhouse movies, Death Proof and Planet Terror. Robert Rodriguez decided that the fake trailer needed to be made into a real movie and Machete was born! A movie that was made on purpose to be bad, it had plenty of potential, but to me just felt boring. I …
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Jul 05
The Heat
The Miami Heat recently won their second consecutive NBA championship. A lot of people don’t like them, but that has nothing to do with this movie. The Heat (Trailer) is a female buddy cop movie, following the style of most buddy cop movies before it. Two completely different people, having to work together for some bureaucratic reason. Everybody …
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Aug 13
Savages! There is a bunch of them in this town, and they are barely even human. That is all the pop culture I can pick up from that word. Two is a fair amount, hopefully this movie gives me another. Look at those BRUTES, those SAVAGES, sitting in California and looking fantastic. Sickens me, every …
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Oct 15
A Better Life
When I first saw A Better Life I figured it would be pretty stereotypical. So I was guessing it would be the same as the others, and I’d probably just give it a 2 out of 4. You know, “well done but I have heard this all before”. Same reason why I don’t read any …
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