Tag Archive: Walton Goggins

Jan 01

The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino is a crazy sunuvabitch. He has passion, you gotta agree with that. He loves movies and wants movies to be real. Christopher Nolan and him are some of the only reasons film is even relevant anymore. Tarantino had a lot of problems leading up to The Hateful Eight. Like when his script was …

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Aug 20

American Ultra

I don’t know a lot about American Ultra. I do know that it has some nice buzz words to get more butts in the seats though. A lot of big movies have American in the title now. American Sniper destroyed the box office, so people really love American shit. Then we have American Beauty, American …

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Oct 17

Machete Kills

Machete started out as a fake trailer in front of the Grindhouse movies, Death Proof and Planet Terror. Robert Rodriguez decided that the fake trailer needed to be made into a real movie and Machete was born! A movie that was made on purpose to be bad, it had plenty of potential, but to me just felt boring. I …

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Apr 09

G.I. Joe: Retaliation

G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra came out in 2009 and was a shit storm, just a big shit storm. I wasn’t reviewing movies four years ago, but if I was, I would have lampooned it so hard, in every orifice it had. It had some amusing parts, that red head was hot, but whatever. …

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Nov 21



Looking at all of the tags, I know you are thinking the same thing. How the hell does a movie called Predators not also include Chris Hanson? Because he’d catch them all too quickly and make them have a seat. The movie begins with Adrien Brody falling in the sky. He is strapped to the …

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