Tag Archive: Liam Neeson
A Walk Among The Tombstones
Liam Neeson fatigue. I think we are all feeling it, and I think we are all sick of it. I can’t even think of any original jokes about Neeson being some strange action/drama badass. At least I don’t think that A Walk Among The Tombstones features anyone in his family being in danger. Maybe. But …
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Run All Night
I don’t even know what to say about Run All Night. This movie kind of came out of nowhere for me. I had at least heard about things like Non-Stop or A Walk Among The Tombstones Like, months of notice. This one just in the last few weeks before coming out. Is this guy even …
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by Admin
January 28, 2015
Fineeee. I will fucking write this review. Sometimes it is hard to just get the passion or desire to write a review, even if it has been sitting blank on your draft board for weeks. Weeks! Sometimes the only decision you have made is the rating and pictures but no idea what to talk about …
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A Million Ways To Die In The West
Hey boys and girls! Did you like Ted? Well, then you might like the next movie, A Million Ways To Die In The West! That is what advertisements told me at least. But I only thought Ted was okay. Was entirely pop culture based humor, so it was a movie that won’t be as amusing …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/a-million-ways-to-die-in-the-west
Oooh, Non-Stop, a Liam Neeson action movie where he uses his wit and tactical efficiency to solve a crisis! I don’t promise a lot about this review of Non-Stop I just promise to make zero Taken jokes. Even if the vague outline I just made sounds like it could easily be used for that movie. It is becoming …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/non-stop
The Lego Movie
by Admin
February 10, 2014
When I first heard of The Lego Movie, sometime mid 2013, I will admit I thought it was stupid. I know Lego has been revamping itself pretty intensely for the last decade, being more than just a child’s toy. With so many themes, and now video games based on movies, it is no surprise they …
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The Nut Job
by Admin
January 21, 2014
The Nut Job has the honor of being the first animated movie of 2014, which also means it is both the worst and best animated movie of 2014 so far. Bask in that position while you can, The Nut Job, because your time on top will fall. It will cascade downward into oblivion, becoming worse …
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by Admin
October 11, 2012
Turning popular board games into movies is not a new thing, it is just not too common. Hopefully the next one is some disaster film by Michael Bay, involving Hungry Hungry Hippos. But really, why not board game movies? I can only think of one of the top of my head, Clue, and Clue is …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/battleship
Taken 2
Four years ago, when I first saw Taken, it was basically a mind blowing experience. Liam Neeson, being old, but kicking ass. All the ass. So much ass. Like, an absurd amount of dead bodies actually. Holy crap, he took out an entire mafia in France basically. He killed people with his cold heart alone, …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/taken-2
by Admin
September 15, 2012
Hey look at that, here we are with 600 reviews for the Website. Pretty snazzy I must say. Normally here is where I list my other milestone reviews, but fuck that, I realized just tagging them all as Milestone Review was a way easier idea. Because my best milestone review at 500 was Clash of …
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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/wrath-of-the-titans
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