Here it folks, the big one. The Apocalypse is coming, despite everything Idris Elba did to cancel it. The recent strange reboot of the X-Men franchise has been wildly successful. I enjoyed First Class and loved the crap out of Days of Future Past (which made my top of the year list), while also fixing …
Tag Archive: Nicholas Hoult
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Aug 17
Dark Places
When I was a very young kid, I was in a dark place. But then it was my birthday and since then my life has been nothing but light! I might take this joke out before I publish this review. A few things intrigued me about Dark Places. One, the pretty heavy cast. A lot …
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May 15
Mad Max: Fury Road
Day 5 of Yay Women Week! Wait, what. This is about MAD MAX. And how FURY the ROAD is. That doesn’t sound go power women ya ya ya at all. But hey, what do you know. You probably haven’t even seen it yet. After all, early reports about Mad Max: Fury Road is that it …
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May 26
X-Men: Days Of Future Past
X-Men, oh X-Men, where art thou X-Men? This is the seventh film of the franchise. SEVENTH. X-Men: Days Of Future Past. When I first heard about this, I was excited. It was a very ambitions plot and storyline to go for, time travel tends to do that. Couple that with the fact that X-Men: First …
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Mar 08
Jack The Giant Slayer
Eurrrgh. It happened again! A trailer went way over its bounds and told far too much of a movie. Jack the Giant Slayer, the next fairytale gone epic in theaters today. The worst part of the trailer isn’t that it tells of a betrayal, or shows character deaths. No. It says this cringeworthy line. “If …
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Feb 04
Warm Bodies
Warm Bodies, Warm Bodies. Unfortunately, due to hearing that title said twice in a row, I really can’t stop doing it. It adds effect. It makes it creepy. I like creepy. I kind of hate zombie based fan ficiton. More specifically, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a terrible book, seriously read it. It is …
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Jul 07
A Single Man
I really knew nothing about the plot of A Single Man before i watched it. Only thing I knew is that there was controversy around it, and that there was claims that it deserve the best actor award, not just nomination. We will see. I will say that Crazy Heart, with Jeff Bridges winning that …
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