Tag Archive: Abbey Lee

Feb 28

Gods Of Egypt

As a ancient history major, I also love me some good mythology. The stories people used to tell are just as important as what those people actually did. They tell us so much about the culture, how they thought, what they valued, and how they were raised. Gods of Egypt looks to not celebrate any …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/gods-of-egypt

May 15

Mad Max: Fury Road

Day 5 of Yay Women Week! Wait, what. This is about MAD MAX. And how FURY the ROAD is. That doesn’t sound go power women ya ya ya at all. But hey, what do you know. You probably haven’t even seen it yet. After all, early reports about Mad Max: Fury Road is that it …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/mad-max-fury-road

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