Tag Archive: Geoffrey Rush

Feb 28

Gods Of Egypt

As a ancient history major, I also love me some good mythology. The stories people used to tell are just as important as what those people actually did. They tell us so much about the culture, how they thought, what they valued, and how they were raised. Gods of Egypt looks to not celebrate any …

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Jul 11


Me and Illumination Entertainment don’t get along. They had one of the most racist kid movies in recent history with Hop, a bad Lorax, and the Despicable Me series. I thought the first film was bad, but at least I liked the minions. Then Despicable Me 2 came out. They heard we liked minions, so …

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Dec 05

The Book Thief

I have never really enjoyed stories about children and the Holocaust, mostly because I was flooded with them as required reading in middle school. The Diary of Anne Frank, Night, Number the Stars, and a whole lot more. Every single one of them just felt like the same story over and over again, with minor …

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Apr 23

The King’s Speech

“What the hell is this shit? It is 2013 and you are just now reviewing the Best Picture winner from 2010? No one cares anymore! We already know its good!” I have the meanest readers some times. Yes, I am a bit embarrassed that I am just now reviewing The King’s Speech. I just kept …

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Jan 04

The Warrior’s Way

Obviously I have a wide arrange of movies readily available to me, and this is one of the first I had the chance to see. I passed it up though, at the time, because I wasn’t yet set in the “Watch everything always, damn it!” mind set. It just looked like it would be dumb, …

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Oct 17

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides


Damn you Jerry Bruckheimer Films! And the man himself while we are at it. Here is brief history of Pirates for me. PotC1? Loved it. PotC2? Hated how long it was and found the ending to be a nonconclusive end to the story. I hate it when movies end but not close the story, forcing …

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Oct 05

Brand New Day

This movie may also go by the title Bran Neu Dae, as it was released in Australia as such. Here was what I thought when watching this movie. “Whaaaaaaa?” I knew it was kind of a musical and foreign or something. Foreign meaning Australian so I figured only fake foreign. But I should have realized …

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