Tag Archive: Josh Duhamel

Feb 20

Safe Haven

I…CAN’T THINK OF A GOOD INTRO FOR THIS MOVIE. Blah blah, Nicholas Sparks, blah blah Valentine’s Day, blah blah, bow chicka bow wow. Safe Haven. Aww yeah. Kiss her. Right on the mouth. There you go. This is what we paid for. Safe Haven of course opens with Katie (Julianne Hough) having her hands covered …

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Jan 30

Movie 43

The thing I love most about Movie 43 is how easy it will be to review. I mean, part of the point is not knowing much about the movie ahead of time before you see it. So I don’t have describe all the skits, just the main plot that tries to hold it all together. …

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Dec 31

New Year’s Eve

Haha! Ha ha ha! See what I did there? [Future readers will note the posting date]. Because of the really fucking large cast of New Year’s Eve, I decided that all of my tags will not list the actor name in parenthesis like normal, just tag the character. You can see the name if you …

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Dec 20

Fire With Fire

You know what one of the weirder feelings ever is? Finding a movie that you have never heard of because it went straight to video, and actually having mostly really big actors in it. I never know what is to blame for something like that, but I assume it is due to shitty post processing …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/fire-with-fire

Dec 06

Life As We Know It

If you ever saw a preview of Life As We Know It, you probably assumed it was the “unofficial sequel” to Knocked Up. Even has the same main chick in Katherine Heigl. But instead of the story of the accidental pregnancy to birth, we instead get the first few years post birth. Done and done. …

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