Tag Archive: Jennifer Jason Leigh

Jan 12


Animated can be a weird thing to define. Sure, hand drawn and colored films are animation. Classic example. Sure. CGI films? They are new an exciting, but technically like, all films have CGI in them now. How much CGI needs to be in the film in order to count as animation? Apparently 75% according to …

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Jan 01

The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino is a crazy sunuvabitch. He has passion, you gotta agree with that. He loves movies and wants movies to be real. Christopher Nolan and him are some of the only reasons film is even relevant anymore. Tarantino had a lot of problems leading up to The Hateful Eight. Like when his script was …

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Aug 03

Welcome To Me

If there is one thing I like talking about on this website, it is me. Yes, movies too, sure, whatever. But I am far more important, because a review has to give his/her thoughts on the movie, and knowing how they felt on previous films of that nature is the only way to know if …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/welcome-to-me

Dec 29

Margot At The Wedding

The reason I bought Margot At The Wedding for a dollar is because I recognized the people in it. The reason I finally watched it was because someone else chose it for me from my list of unwatched movies. But the reason I was actually looking forward to it was because of the director/writer Noah …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/margot-at-the-wedding

Oct 22

The Spectacular Now

I only saw the trailer for The Spectacular Now once, but I knew immediately I just had to see it. So many reasons really, but I could tell ahead of time it might be something that I would enjoy. Damn it, now my bias is showing. I am so embarrassed. Not as embarrassed as these …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-spectacular-now

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