Tag Archive: Kurt Russell

Jan 01

The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino is a crazy sunuvabitch. He has passion, you gotta agree with that. He loves movies and wants movies to be real. Christopher Nolan and him are some of the only reasons film is even relevant anymore. Tarantino had a lot of problems leading up to The Hateful Eight. Like when his script was …

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Dec 09

Bone Tomahawk

Westerns! According to Spielberg, Super Hero movies might soon go the way of the Western. Everywhere, and then rarely. K, thanks Spielberg. All of this is irrelevant to Bone Tomahawk, which is a new western (definitely not a super hero movie). It was also independently released, you can tell, because it wasn’t even rated. Ooh, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/bone-tomahawk

Apr 22

Furious 7

FAST FAST FAST. Nope. Too slow. Now you are just Furious 7. Look down. Look up again. You are Vin Diesel upset that Chuck Norris stole all of your internet jokes. Look at my hand. It is full of movies. THINK AGAIN. Just odd numbered Fast and Furious movies! Blah blah blah. I have said …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/furious-7

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