Tag Archive: Will Ferrell

Mar 09

Daddy’s Home

I don’t know when this review would be published (but if you are reading it from a recent FB post or Tweet, then the answer is today!), but I assure you it has been sitting on my website for weeks just waiting. You see, Daddy’s Home came out on Christmas along with a lot of …

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Feb 15

Zoolander 2

Zoolander Zoolander Zoolander! Fifteen years ish ago, I remember being a young impressionable teenager watching it for the first time. I laughed so much, so long. I quoted it so far for the rest of my life. It is probably one of my favorite comedies of all time and I am always in the mood …

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Jun 26

Get Hard

Get Hard has an immediate issue with its title. No, I am not saying that I have an issue with what it references. That is fine. But because it makes people think about erections, dick jokes become very easy to make with it. And that isn’t creative. That isn’t clever. That is boring. If I …

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Jun 24

A Deadly Adoption

Although the circumstances are quite rare, every once in awhile I review a made for TV movie. The last few I did include Mr. Hockey: The Gordie Howe Story and Liz & Dick. The former I did as an accident, as I actually thought it was a documentary going into it. The latter I did …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/a-deadly-adoption

Feb 10

The Lego Movie

When I first heard of The Lego Movie, sometime mid 2013, I will admit I thought it was stupid. I know Lego has been revamping itself pretty intensely for the last decade, being more than just a child’s toy. With so many themes, and now video games based on movies, it is no surprise they …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-lego-movie

Dec 19

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

The boys are back in town. The legend of Ron Burgundy continues, with Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy came out in 2004, and from what I can tell, the first draft was horrible. So horrible that they had to rewrite and shoot the entire movie. The leftover original footage …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/anchorman-2-the-legend-continues

Jun 13

The Internship

When you first heard about The Internship, you thought one of three things: “Oh great, a movie where the jokes are only at the expense of nerds and old people trying to be hip!” “Oh great, a giant advertisement movie for Google!” “Oh great, an Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movie trying to recapture the magic that happened with Wedding …

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Nov 06

The Campaign

Happy November 6th, 2012! It is Election Day in America, so I went the obvious route and picked The Campaign to review. I don’t even have a clever intro to say before I talk about the movie, so fuck it, lets just go into it. Just gotta warm my tongue muscles first. In the 14th …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-campaign

Sep 16

Casa De Mi Padre

I don’t think the readers here are ready for this. I just don’t. A Spanish movie, made by Americans, in America. Where we speak American, damn it! First time I have put up the language tag without the “Foreign” tag. Because this is all USA baby. Just in Spanish. Yeah, you were not ready for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/casa-de-mi-padre

Dec 28

Land Of The Lost

The easiest way to describe Land of the Lost is that it is nothing like the TV Show Land Of The Lost. Going in, I expected it to be very similar, in terms of characters, rough plot, etc, but instead all that really happened were the obligatory shout out references to the old show, without …

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