Tag Archive: Owen Wilson

Dec 10

The Hero Of Color City

Here I thought I was done with animated kid movies for the year. Outside of The Penguins of Madagascar, I had every major release! Nope. There was another film. The Hero Of Color City. Very limited release, but it decided to release the dvd before Christmas, so I figured I would give it a shot. …

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Mar 26

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Hah. Wes Anderson. For those that don’t read every post I make, Wes Anderson is a strange guy for me. Every movie I reviewed for the site that he directed, I have love love loved. But that was only two movies. The other one I saw I just didn’t really get, and thought it was …

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Nov 05

Free Birds

I will admit, when I first saw the trailer for Free Birds, I chuckled at a few spots. The nameless government entities making a pun and laughing throughout the trailer was great. A movie about a dumb animal trying to save the world with other dumb animals might lead to a lot of just tongue …

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Jun 13

The Internship

When you first heard about The Internship, you thought one of three things: “Oh great, a movie where the jokes are only at the expense of nerds and old people trying to be hip!” “Oh great, a giant advertisement movie for Google!” “Oh great, an Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn movie trying to recapture the magic that happened with Wedding …

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Jan 29

The Big Year

Apparently if I watched some of the trailers for The Big Year, you still wouldn’t really know what it is about. I will tell you right now. BIRDING. Or Bird Watching, if you want to be lame about it. Yes. The art of looking at birds and feeling good about yourself. Mort importantly, A Big …

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Dec 18

Midnight In Paris

I was reluctant to watch Midnight in Paris because it had some things I am generally afraid of. One being Owen Wilson acting, the other being the possibility that I might not get it, because it is a Woody Allen movie. I think there is an unspoken rule that if you don’t like Woody Allen, …

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Oct 28

Cars 2

Hooray! The long awaited sequel to Cars is Cars 2! And by long awaited, I mean both never expected in 2006 and also, since a couple days ago, when I reviewed Cars. I say this in an exaggerated way obviously, but Cars 2 is nothing like Cars. Sure, both of them are still in some …

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Oct 27


Hey now. Cars is pretty old. 2006? Yes, it goes way outside of my range of movies I normally review. But because Cars 2 comes out soon and I am reviewing it, I figure I might as well throw up the first one as well (since I just saw it). Also because it is old, …

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Oct 14

How Do You Know

Whoa. The director of How Do You Know is the director of As Good As It Gets. Holy shit. That movie was awesome. Maybe this one is too? Nope. The only real constant between the movies is Jack Nicholson. But less crazy dog love. Unfortunately even Jack Nicholson’s character is particularly weak in this movie. …

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Oct 09

Hall Pass

What? This movie has nothing to do with school time shenanigans? Oh well. I was hoping for a hilarious romp of avoiding the hall monitor and cutting class with all the cool kids! Interesting concept. The wives of Jason Sudeikis and Owen Wilson (played by Christina Applegate and Jenna Fischer) give their husbands a week …

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