Tag Archive: Gael Garcia Bernal

Nov 14


I don’t often use the democratic process when working on my website, but I like to keep things interesting. Because I only go to 1 pre-screening a week now, I have to sometimes make difficult decisions on what I want to watch now and watch later. I had FOUR choices this weeks of screenings, and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/rosewater

Sep 16

Casa De Mi Padre

I don’t think the readers here are ready for this. I just don’t. A Spanish movie, made by Americans, in America. Where we speak American, damn it! First time I have put up the language tag without the “Foreign” tag. Because this is all USA baby. Just in Spanish. Yeah, you were not ready for …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/casa-de-mi-padre

Dec 14

Letters To Juliet

Before you get confused, Letters to Juliet and Dear John are different movies. Both are romantic comedies starring Amanda Seyfried with “letter” themes. Or at least I assume Dear John has that in it. But Dear John is a Nicholas Sparks book/movie, while Letters To Juliet came out…well damn, after Dear John and in the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/letters-to-juliet

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