Tag Archive: Martin Sheen
I’ll be honest, when I first heard of the movie Selma, I had no idea what it was about. When I found out it was a pseudo-biographical film about a moment in MLK’s life? I assumed Selma was his wife. Nopers, I was way wrong. Selma is actually a city in Alabama! Yeah, who knew? …
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by Admin
November 11, 2014
Ruining child classics is one of Hollywood’s favorite past times. But this is not one of those examples. Because Hollywood is not behind this movie, just some low budget independent company. That’s right. The Boxcar Children, a book made in the 1920s and repopularized in the 1940s, it then spawned 159 follow up books and …
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by Admin
December 5, 2012
End of the world movies are pretty popular now a days. I say that as if they ever weren’t popular. But yeah, probably because of some 2012 topical shit, people like to think about their last moments on earth if they knew it was coming. Perfect Sense recently had a disease that made people lose …
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Echelon Conspiracy
A lot of times when figuring out what a movie is about you can break down the words in the title to get a good clue. For Echelon Conspiracy, there is two words. Conspiracy? Alright, government is probably involved, a cover up, crime and shit. Fun. Echelon? Alright well fuck you too movie. Even the …
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Love Happens
Never heard of Love Happens. But can Love Happens end the recent string of “bad movies with Love in the title?” Nope. Burke (Aaron Eckhart) is a motivational speaker/grief counselor type person. His wife died in a car accident. He was sad over it, wrote a book. Now he is famous, and definitely over it …
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The Amazing Spider-Man
Reboots are a tricky thing. Especially if they happen within half of a decade of the last previous movie of that type. Most people will agree Spider-Man 3 is a disaster, especially when comparing itself to its previous two movies. Why did it fail? Seems like studio intervention. Forcing the director to include villains that …
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The Way
Yes! Finally. Who hasn’t been waiting to watch The Way, the first Emilio Estevez directed movie ever? I know I have. I mean he has the look and everything down pact. One step closer to finally becoming a true hipster. Emilio is also in this movie. He is a guy who doesn’t want to finish …
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The Double
by Admin
January 31, 2012
The Double is another surprise movie I didn’t know I was going to watch. But hey, apparently it was about to come out, so why not watch it. While watching it took me forever to figure it out. I think it just refers to a Double Agent. Because one of the good or bad guys …
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