Tag Archive: Fran Drescher

Mar 08

Hotel Transylvania 2

Happy Marcho-wene! For those who read this months from now, I quite lazily decided to finally review Hotel Transylvania 2 in March. Hell, it even came out to DVD in January. No excuse valid, not even a busy Oscar season. I thought Hotel Transylvania was only okay and really wasn’t surprised it had had a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/hotel-transylvania-2

Oct 01

Hotel Transylvania

Oh heck yeah, it is October now! That means we get some Halloween themed movies, and of course, an increase in horror films. I am not as excited about those, but it comes with the territory. I was a bit apprehensive about Hotel Transylvania at first. Is this just another quickly made CGI movie with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/hotel-transylvania

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