Tag Archive: Molly Shannon

Mar 08

Hotel Transylvania 2

Happy Marcho-wene! For those who read this months from now, I quite lazily decided to finally review Hotel Transylvania 2 in March. Hell, it even came out to DVD in January. No excuse valid, not even a busy Oscar season. I thought Hotel Transylvania was only okay and really wasn’t surprised it had had a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/hotel-transylvania-2

Apr 27

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

My first introduction to Me and Earl and the Dying Girl was described as “Like, The Fault In Our Stars, but better!” Well, shit. Because I liked The Fault In Our Stars. It felt realistic, well acted, was surprising, and of course I cried. So I guessed this one was another teenage romance about dying …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/me-and-earl-and-the-dying-girl

Sep 02

Life After Beth

Yes! More movies in the supernatural rom com genre! There hasn’t been a lot of these, I guess. Most of them are dramas more than comedies. Apparently that is where they think the money is at, teenage girls. But the comedy element? Outside of Warm Bodies (Warm Bodies), there haven’t been that many. So sure, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/life-after-beth

Apr 16

Scary Movie 5

Scary Movie 5. Fuck. I watched Scary Movie 4 before this, even though I swore it off after seeing Scary Movie 3. Fuck my need to be a completionist. Fuckkkkk. Basically, long story short, Scary Movie 5 is a parody of Mama more so than Paranormal Activity 4. So hey, that’s unexpected. The trailers didn’t …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/scary-movie-5

Oct 01

Hotel Transylvania

Oh heck yeah, it is October now! That means we get some Halloween themed movies, and of course, an increase in horror films. I am not as excited about those, but it comes with the territory. I was a bit apprehensive about Hotel Transylvania at first. Is this just another quickly made CGI movie with …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/hotel-transylvania

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