Tag Archive: Andy Samberg

Mar 08

Hotel Transylvania 2

Happy Marcho-wene! For those who read this months from now, I quite lazily decided to finally review Hotel Transylvania 2 in March. Hell, it even came out to DVD in January. No excuse valid, not even a busy Oscar season. I thought Hotel Transylvania was only okay and really wasn’t surprised it had had a …

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Jul 13

7 Days In Hell

Something must be in the water, because this is my second “made for TV” movie in a few weeks. Not to spoil the surprise, but I have a third one next week as well. To give 7 Days In Hell some credit, it is at least an HBO movie, so it won’t be restricted by …

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Oct 03

Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2

Puns. Puns are an often overlooked humor tool that are wildly taken for granted. In fact, some people respond to puns with groans! Those groaners I have to imagine would not enjoy Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 which has more puns than the number of acupuncturists who also happen to be backstabbers. I wonder …

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Mar 06

Celeste & Jesse Forever

Celeste & Jesse Forever is a movie that I am pretty sure I heard about…once… maybe, and then never again. So imagine my surprise when I see it and say sure. I mean, a lot of those Rudd-esque actors have been in lesser movies they made themself recently. I loved Jeff Who Lives At Home, …

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Oct 01

Hotel Transylvania

Oh heck yeah, it is October now! That means we get some Halloween themed movies, and of course, an increase in horror films. I am not as excited about those, but it comes with the territory. I was a bit apprehensive about Hotel Transylvania at first. Is this just another quickly made CGI movie with …

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Aug 17

That’s My Boy

I think most people would agree that the quality in Adam Sandler movies has been in a decline for some time. But I think part of that is also just nostalgia. How different is a Jack and Jill movie compared to a Happy Gilmore really? I guess more gags in the former, but the same …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/thats-my-boy

Jan 25

Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs

Hooray! Another Super CGI movie based on a kids book. Only remotely of course. At least this kids book had a real plot, so making a movie made sense, unlike some others. Fingers crossed that Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs is more than just a random kids movie! Although it might be his goal, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/cloudy-with-a-chance-of-meatballs

Jan 07

What’s Your Number?

I know what you are thinking. “This is just some dumb Romantic Comedy. What’s Your Number? What is with movies that ask questions in the title!?” Or something like that. But probably not. Probably just never heard of the movie. That is the simpler guess! But hey, it also has enough T&A for the fellas …

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