It is hard to be a girl. People don’t let you drive late at night. Being some sort of freak, where people all sit and stare with their eyes. You know, being a girl, all pretty and petite. And people won’t let you have any rights. And other lyrics from Just A Girl, where I …
Tag Archive: Rashida Jones
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Jul 03
Cuban Fury
I really don’t think I can come up with a clever introduction to this review of Cuban Fury. Literally, no amusing anecdotes at all. Well, maybe one. This movie is about a big guy salsa dancing. Hey. I am a big guy, and I was a big guy when I was on a Salsa Dance …
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Mar 06
Celeste & Jesse Forever
Celeste & Jesse Forever is a movie that I am pretty sure I heard about…once… maybe, and then never again. So imagine my surprise when I see it and say sure. I mean, a lot of those Rudd-esque actors have been in lesser movies they made themself recently. I loved Jeff Who Lives At Home, …
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Apr 21
The Social Network
Everyone knows about The Social Network. Everyone. I mean, come on. You do. You all probably saw it. But damn it, I wanted to write about it anyways. Because sometimes you just want to write about a greatm ovie. And it’s all because of some BU girl. Also I should note that I recognize that …
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Apr 10
The Muppets
I can’t say I know much about The Muppets. Pretty sure I watched more of the Muppet Babies cartoon than any actual muppet movie or show. And by pretty sure I mean 100% positive. I have seen many episodes of that cartoon, and no episodes of the old Muppets show or any Muppet movie before. …
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Jan 29
The Big Year
Apparently if I watched some of the trailers for The Big Year, you still wouldn’t really know what it is about. I will tell you right now. BIRDING. Or Bird Watching, if you want to be lame about it. Yes. The art of looking at birds and feeling good about yourself. Mort importantly, A Big …
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Nov 26
Our Idiot Brother
Our Idiot Brother, or “that movie where Paul Rudd has a beard and long hair” can somewhat be compared to Hesher. Why? Because the main characters both have long hair, when normally they don’t have long hair. Outside of the head situation, movies are quite different though. Also, Rudd wears nifty sweaters, while “Hesher” doesn’t …
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Oct 19
I Love You, Man
I Love You, Man is my first review of a movie that has been requested of me. Every movie I have seen (except for a few I saw in theaters) have been based off of one time viewings only. I owned this DVD already, so I had seen it once or twice before, so this …
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