Tag Archive: Christina Ricci

Dec 10

The Hero Of Color City

Here I thought I was done with animated kid movies for the year. Outside of The Penguins of Madagascar, I had every major release! Nope. There was another film. The Hero Of Color City. Very limited release, but it decided to release the dvd before Christmas, so I figured I would give it a shot. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-hero-of-color-city

Aug 04

Speed Racer

Hooray! Another fifty reviews later, I am ready to introduce my next Milstone Review: number 1150 for my website! Holy crap. If I thought 1050 was a shitty milestone, 1150 has to be way worse. But hey, fun reviews are fun. Today I decided to look at Speed Racer, which I didn’t see when it …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/speed-racer

Aug 07

The Smurfs 2

To answer the first question on everyone’s mind, yes I did dress up like a Smurf for the premiere of The Smurfs 2. It was smurftastic! Initially, watching the trailer, I was enraged at the plot. In a nutshell, Gargamel (Hank Azaria) tried to create a couple of Smurfs, but they turned out grey and evil. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-smurfs-2

Jan 13

Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star

This movie, Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star, was a bad idea, and I am pretty sure everyone in America knows that. Even the actors. They got into a meeting and said “Lets make a bag of shit. And then drop a book on it so it splatters funnily. We will call this art, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/bucky-larson-born-to-be-a-star

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