Tag Archive: 50 cent

Jul 24


Hold up your hands. Now bend your hands back a little bit and curl your fingers. Then use this hand position to hit someone in the face, with the bottom part of your palm. That is what I thought Southpaw was before this movie. Southpaw didn’t actually teach me what a Southpaw was, I had …

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Mar 12

Guest Review: Escape Plan


Escape Plan Review by Marcus Irving Escape Plan is a call back to a simpler time. When the biggest blockbusters were dumb as bricks and had little more to offer than some cool action scenes and one-liners that make you want to pull your eyes out. Modern blockbusters have to bring something new to the …

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Nov 06

Last Vegas

If I learned anything about the advertising campaign of Last Vegas, it is that sometimes people don’t like seeing the same ad every fifteen minutes. Last Vegas was produced by CBS Films, so it has the benefit of being advertised on a channel that is watched by the millions during football games every Sunday. Unfortunately for …

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Oct 21

Escape Plan

Arnold Schwarzenegger must be living a good life. Look at how he has aged, fantastically. He is a fit guy, he was Governor (of a now failing state), and now he has all this free time for chilling, making movies, and spending loads of cash. Because of that, I have decided to talk about Escape …

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Dec 20

Fire With Fire

You know what one of the weirder feelings ever is? Finding a movie that you have never heard of because it went straight to video, and actually having mostly really big actors in it. I never know what is to blame for something like that, but I assume it is due to shitty post processing …

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Nov 04


13 in a few ways reminded me of the movie Mean Guns. Okay. Barely. But lets just say people die, and there is money available in both movies. Ice-T isn’t in 13. But 50 Cent is. The beginning of this movie is pretty slow (and arguably the ending). Sam Riley, some no name, is an …

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Oct 08


Damn it. WHY DAMN IT. I TRUSTED YOU BRUCE WILLIS. Well. 95% Trust. This is a pretty misleading movie, in my opinion. Heist like movie, something goes wrong, and people die. People may be Setup, even. (Okay, so yes a Heist goes wrong early on. They are setup. 50 cent gets mad and kills a …

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Oct 04


In case you were curious why there was so many 50 Cent tags, I actually did a theme week of my movies. The theme being 50 Cent/Curtis Jackson. Remember. Watching Shitty Movies So You Don’t Have To. From that theme it seemed like the movies got worse and worse the more of a role 50 …

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Oct 04

Streets of Blood

This movie was not a good movie. Maybe it can be blamed on having 50 Cent play a lead? Val Kilmer and Sharon Stone I think are added for credibility. Apparently VK and 50 are friends, from some time earlier. But Val is now fat and disturbing. Where is my Batman? Picture: Not Batman Val …

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Oct 04

Caught In The Crossfire

The title (Caught in the Crossfire) and synopsis of this movie definitely tricked me into what I thought it would be about. I was expecting a more violent, crime riddled, action movie. Instead it went the crime drama route. Most of the movie also is actually told via flashback, as the two main lead detectives …

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