Tag Archive: Cobie Smulders

Dec 05

They Came Together

Heh. Heheheheh. They Came Together. That title. Oh man. Oh boy. I’m done. I can’t even think of a good intro because of that. However, I would feel like an asshat if I didn’t first mention that this movie had already been reviewed on my website. Yah! Here is a link! Because I totally have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/they-came-together

Apr 09

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Ah, Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I will be honest. I wasn’t really looking forward to this movie when it was first announced. I like the Captain, sure. But the next two movies are Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Age of Ultron. This one was just giving me more of an already established character. Still, …

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Apr 01

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Yep, I am awesome. I got to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier as a special promotion over a whole week before it came out. They just told me I couldn’t release a review on it til April. Fine by me, early movies are early. The first Captain America I really enjoyed, but didn’t feel …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/captain-america-the-winter-soldier

Nov 26

Delivery Man

I have failed the movie going public tonight. Tonight I have seen Delivery Man, but I did not watch Starbuck, the foreign movie that this one is based on. It isn’t super foreign, because it is set in Canada, but it is the French part of Canada. Plus, the director and writer of Starbuck made …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/delivery-man

Feb 20

Safe Haven

I…CAN’T THINK OF A GOOD INTRO FOR THIS MOVIE. Blah blah, Nicholas Sparks, blah blah Valentine’s Day, blah blah, bow chicka bow wow. Safe Haven. Aww yeah. Kiss her. Right on the mouth. There you go. This is what we paid for. Safe Haven of course opens with Katie (Julianne Hough) having her hands covered …

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May 04

The Avengers

If you haven’t heard of The Avengers, then fuck you. In 2008 a great thing happened. Comic book movies kicked ass. The Dark Knight, Hellboy II, and Iron Man came out, in reverse order between May and July. After the success of Iron Man, they quickly announced their three (turned into four) year plan. After …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-avengers

Oct 20

The Slammin’ Salmon

Broken Lizard has a few movies under their belt. I saw all the major ones, as long as I ignore Puddle Cruiser. If I had to rank them before this movie, I would put them (in order of Best to Worst), Beerfest, Super Troopers, and Club Dread. However, The Slammin’ Salmon I would have to …

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