In honor of Jurassic World, I too am going to open my own theme park. I won’t fill it with dinosaurs though, I will fill it with greek legendary monsters. It makes sense, if you remember you are reading this review on Gorgon Reviews. I don’t have the funds yet for it. I don’t have …
Tag Archive: Vincent D’Onofrio
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Mar 11
Run All Night
I don’t even know what to say about Run All Night. This movie kind of came out of nowhere for me. I had at least heard about things like Non-Stop or A Walk Among The Tombstones Like, months of notice. This one just in the last few weeks before coming out. Is this guy even …
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Oct 08
The Judge
Judge not lest ye be judged. That is a quote I think, from some book or movie. Hard to remember these days. Maybe Lyndon B. Johnson said it? Either way, whoever said it must have really hated Judges. Because Judges judge people. But who judges the Judges? Well, usually, the people in a trial I …
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Oct 21
Escape Plan
Arnold Schwarzenegger must be living a good life. Look at how he has aged, fantastically. He is a fit guy, he was Governor (of a now failing state), and now he has all this free time for chilling, making movies, and spending loads of cash. Because of that, I have decided to talk about Escape …
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Dec 20
Fire With Fire
You know what one of the weirder feelings ever is? Finding a movie that you have never heard of because it went straight to video, and actually having mostly really big actors in it. I never know what is to blame for something like that, but I assume it is due to shitty post processing …
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Nov 08
Kill The Irishman
Here is a movie title that should just make you stop and go “Huh, that seems interesting!” At least it did for me. Kill The Irishman? Why does he have to die? Tell me now, damn it! I gained a level of rage only comparable to road rage waiting for this answer. This movie tells …
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