Tag Archive: They Came Together

Dec 05

They Came Together

Heh. Heheheheh. They Came Together. That title. Oh man. Oh boy. I’m done. I can’t even think of a good intro because of that. However, I would feel like an asshat if I didn’t first mention that this movie had already been reviewed on my website. Yah! Here is a link! Because I totally have …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/they-came-together

Jul 13

Guest Review: They Came Together


Spoof movies have a pretty lumpy track record. For every great one like Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story or Airplane, there are a million stinkers like Epic Movie or A Haunted House.[Editor’s Note: A Haunted House I thought was on the right track of spoofs at least, not great, but far better than Scary …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/guest-review-they-came-together

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