Tag Archive: Mamie Gummer

Aug 14

The End of the Tour

It’s The End of the Tour as we know it, and I feel fine. Premiering at Sundance, I can say that I heard a lot about this film, but nothing about what it was actually about. I heard praise and more praise, that it was based on a true story, and even more praise and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-end-of-the-tour

Jul 15


Yay Cake! Finally a film to give me what I want, which is cake, cake frosting, really anything cake related. This film will put cake so high up on the map, kind of like what the film did for Butter (and for Jennifer Garner‘s accent). Hopefully it shows cake in all of its wonderful forms. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/cake

Oct 12

The Lifeguard

Oh Kristen Bell. You are a big star. Why are you in this movie, The Lifeguard, something I have never heard about and went straight to DVD? Is it Dax Shepard‘s fault? I bet it is Dax’s fault. He is a jerk. Don’t let him put you in bad movies. You are lucky you avoided …

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Permanent link to this article: https://gorgview.com/the-lifeguard

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